Hey Rich....

  • Thread starter Tom(fishfafun) Lutz
  • Start date
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Tom(fishfafun) Lutz

Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2001
Reaction score
Been meaning to ask why the change in the title block color if the fishing reports area. They're so dark you can't see the black type that gives you instruction on what to put in each box. Maybe change it back or put the type in white?

Or is it just me? Two different computers I use and they both have the same thing?

Thanks guys...bug from a (mostly) unrelated change. Fixed!
Hey Tom,

I would think that with ALL of the reports that you have filled out that you would have it memorized by now! I do! And I only have 25+. LOL

Bob G.

Yeah, I do, but I know some of the "Newbies" may have a problem so therefore the question....


Rich,....would it be possible (and easy!!) to add the name of the last person to post on a thread, next to the time and date on the main page. Then we can look and see real quick if the post has been updated. I don't know about anybody else, but I rarely look at the "time" of the last post, let alone remember it (LOL)...but I'd notice a name change, I think,.....other message bds I visit have that feature and it's a good one!! Anyway,..just a thought!

Mac, I will usually click on a thread right after I post a reply just to check for nis-spelled words and stopid errors. That changes the color of the font to purple until someone else replies then it goes back to blue.

Sorry Tom,

I thought you had a brain cramp and went back to newbie status!! LOL! Oh yea, I'm going fishing today! I'm trying to get back on the Delta again someday but my company isn't being to liberal with CA business trips right now!

Bob G.
Yeah, your old partner who lives just minutes from this great fishery hardly ever gets out anymore either....by the way, hey Big John...what's up?????

Going out this weekend myself and next weekend is the NCBF Western Rally on the Delta. Should be a lot of fun!

Mac, how do you have your preferences set?

If you set preferences so that the post with the most recent reply comes to the top of the board, that plus the color change in the messages (blue = new post since last read, purple = already read) should help you out.

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