HEY RedRocket

  • Thread starter Christopher Laurencio
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Christopher Laurencio

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Red, I know Power Battery, my father has an account with them since he repairs trucks in a shop near market street. Maybe I can get a good deal!

Do you have a cover for your 175? If yes did you get the Bass Pro Shops cover? Just wondering how good it is for $300, hopefully very good considering cabelas sell exact fit for about $200. If the BP cover is better and more water resistant I would spend the extra.
I didn't get a cover for my boat. I keep it in a garage. As a general rule, I usually get the manufacturer's part whenever I can. It is usually the little things that get you and make you wish you hadn't skimped. BUT, I really can't comment on covers in particular as I have never used one.

As far as the batteries go, maybe you can. They just went up $17.00 each (I paid $110.00 ea). The best thing is that if you can go there, there is no freight. My second choice would be the Cabelas.

People would argue that a flooded 31 has more reserve than a sealed battery and they are right. BUT, after a year or two the sealed do better unless your maintenance is perfect.

Hoping to get to Spruce Run Sunday to fire up the gas motor. Sad living in NJ but that's the way it is.
Thanks for the info. Good luck in Spruce Run, I heard they closed the launch last weekend because of high winds, I also heard they actually had to rescue some boaters! Have you ever tried Muscenetcong lake or cranberry, decent bass and pan fishing and allow gas motors. I have a paper tournament on Sunday in Oxford Furnace lake.
I will get to Cranberry one of these days. Someone described the launch and it doesn't sound very friendly. Perhaps after I work out the launch kinks.

Going to Spruce Run Friday instead of Sunday. Plan on hitting Furnace later in the afternoon if it gets too windy. Not to worry, I never catch anything anyway.

Good luck.
