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John Foster

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
I read the board almost every day. I just haven't had the urge to post much.

I read that Trep needs a roomate. First I am not sure if I can get the time off. The Warehouse I work for is moving to a new location and the move is scheduled for the end of March or early April. I am the one who has the "Fun" job of getting the inventory from one building to the other. 165 thousand square foot waehouse full of tires. Oh what joy..;o)

Plus. I am not sure I sould room with one of the oposing members of the "Tag Team Death Match". I may have lost 70lbs but I still out weigh both of you combined...

I will know more in a few weeks but as of right now it doesn't look good.

See ya

John - IF you can make it, i'm sure me! and I can arrange a "Truce" on Neutral Moors ground!! LOL

Would love to meet you, Susan and Stacy!

Yeah, John..... You can give Susan her tights back..... I'll agree to a truce as well..... You jest git yerself to Ken-tuck fer tha rallee, ya hear!

I posted your pictures to the 2001 rally album.

Say sumpthin' once and a while so we know you're out there!
Not now, John!


When we all start to wonderin' where you are!