Hey Andy Z

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
Andy, I just saw your earlier post in regards to me going to BPS. Sorry dude, I went yesterday and blew $260.00 bucks. I don't plan on going back as yesterdays shopping spree was a huge struggle for me. I had Lasik eye surgery on Saturday, there were "complications" during the procedure (a loss of suction on my right eye) which resulted in a poor cut and an abandonment of the correction on that eye until the cut heals. Currently I have one corrected eye and a very sore and blurry left eye which is supposed to return to normal in a few days. I'm having a little trouble seeing very well and as a result I had to drag my wife along to BPS as my driver and personal shopping assistant. She was a saint and selected everything off my list which I had put together before surgery. The Doc has assured me that I should be fine before the weekend, so I have every intention of attending BASS U..although I may be squinting alot. Right now, I'm stumbling through the world with one eye, which is somewhat challenging I might add. I will see you (sort of) on Saturday.
Geeeezzz Smitty, that sounds scary to me.. I hope everything turns out ok. I injured my left eye some years back and had to wear a patch for a about a month. That was really hard to adjust to. Having no depth perception was the hardest. Good luck and get well soon.

It is scary Bill, but my Doc tells me everything will be okay. I've also done my own research over the net, and while what happened to me is not that common, it is correctable after the initial cut heals properly. So, in due time, I should be all fixed up. And thank u for the well wishes.

Oh and Toxic, you can speed through my town anytime..Smitty doesn't write too many traffic ticket nowadays...I leave that to the gung - ho youngsters..!!

Hope you're back to par by this weekend...

Was just going to have you pick up some baby brush hogs...

No biggie...

Hang tough and we'll see you saturday!

I have 4 $1 off coupons for the fishing show if you guys are still going. If we need more I can probobly get them. In fact I'll see about it today.

I keep waitin' to get pulled over in Troy!! LOL...I just HOPE it's Smitty!! Atleast I'd have a tiny chance of talking my way out of a ticket!!...ahaahahah....

I hope your eye heals up fast and with no further complications....man,..that's gotta $uck!!

C'mon back up to BPS this weekend....would love to meet you!!

I've gotta have 6 bags of green pumpkin baby brush hogs...

Everyone around here is out of that color...

Even the BPS web site says they're low and may have to be back-ordered...

DANG...my secret is out!!!

Are you coming to BASS U this saturday???

Can't make it Andy, but I'll see what I can do on the brush hogs...


Sorry you can't make it...

Looking forward to KVD!!!

not a biggie on the brush hogs...if you can, great...

if not, no sweat!!!


I was able to put my hands on 4 bags of green pumpkin baby brush hogs. You still want them?

you bet Craig!

I bought the last 2 packs they had at Gander Mtn in K-zoo yesterday...

How do you want payment???


