Here's the new boat (Z-7)

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Jan 23, 2008
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Nice rig! 3/4" does seem close. Maybe try one that mounts under the front part of the trailer?

Not sure what kind of spare mount it is, but maybe try one with a bigger offset.

Bob G.
Well, if I purchase a new boat in the next year or two...that's the boat I want. Nice boat. :)
Very nice. I especially like the wheels. Are they stock or options?

I know what you mean about the spare tire hanger, it is too close. My 591 is the same. I have hit the spare when loading the boat. I joined into a discussion on another message board about the type of spare tire hanger that goes on the front under the boat. As far as anyone knew there is no such thing as an aftermarket spare tire hanger that goes in the front. It would be necessary to go to a welding shop and have one fabricated and welded on then painted. I may end up doing that because I sure don't like the side mount one.
Very Nice :) I really like those wheels on that trailer.

That spare being 3/4" of an inch from the boat would worry me too. Im still waiting for my Z7 to come from Nitro and i ordered the spare kit too so im sure mine will be the same way.

The only thing about having the spare undferneath is sometimes the mount scrapes on the ramp. It used to happen to my 882 trailer all the time.
Great Boat! I just throw my spare in the truck when I go anywhere. I'm in Georgia and if you leave your spare on the trailer, it doesn't take but a season or two for the sun and temp to really dry rot the tire and then when you need it, it's in poor shape. May be pain to throw it in the truck each time, but it's worth the piece of mind of having a good spare ready to roll. Plus, I don't trust people, they like to steal!:angry: Congrats on the boat!

Thanks for the comments guys.

The rims are the optional ones available when you order it. I am gonna buy a cover for the spare so the sun don't kill it.

The engine is the standard 150 efi. I couldn't justify the extra 3 grand for the opti.

Iwe looked at maybe them having one made for up front under the trailer, but the trailer is too narrow. If you look at the Z-7 trailer and a 900 series or Z-9, the front of the trailer on the bigger boats which come with the mount under the trailer is much wider.

I actually held the tire up to see if it was doable, and I see no way to mount it under there where I won't have the same possibility of hitting the tire with the keel.

I am gonna look at it tomorrow when it ain't raining and see what I can do about moving the tire away from the boat some more. Probably make up some spacers and weld them to the mount. Once I have that figured out, I am gonna have the mount powdercoated black so it doesn't stand out as much from the trailer.

That's bad news about the tire up front and under. I was hoping to do that. On my old Tracker I had to mount the spare all the way on the front by the winch. I didn't like it there either but at least I never had trouble with hitting it.

One more thing.... Be careful with your spare tire cover. I had a real nice one with an OU logo that I paid something like $29.95 for, blow off on the way home from the lake. I figured it got filled with water and sagged enough for the wind to catch it and blow it off. The one I had on my Tracker had a drain hole on the bottom but the OU one was made for an RV and didn't drain.
On my 929, the spare is up front under the "V". I have seen 929's with it on the side like yours, it just depends on the year of boat. I like mine where it is because it blocks some of the road debris that the truck kicks up. Really saved me on my trip to Wisconsin one year when I was going to meet Greg and TJ. There had been a tornado touch down the night before and in severe fog, I hit a smashed aluminum shed that had been deposited in the road. The truck jumped it but the boat was not so lucky. The spare took most of it and the KeelShield took some of it, but one piece did manage to scrape the boat. Yes Greg, that was the day I ended up in Green Bay:lol::lol: (thought I better beat him to the punch).


Directionally Challenged.
Nice rig, I have a 2008 591 also and it also has the efI. I could justify the 200 but my wife couldn't,:lol: I really like the rims.The spare tire is a pain and when I first got mine the first time I trailered it I hit the tire and put rubber marks on the hull. But now its not a problem since I got used to it.Anyhow nice ride,.CONGRATS
Great looking rig!!!:cool: Man am I envious:wub:

Can't you mount a spare on top of the trailer just forward of where the 'Nitro' is stenciled on your trailer? Anyway Mark, the whole thing, truck and boat, looks really good!!

Uncle Billy
You could, but it would block the trailer lights there, and would interfere with the tongue jack. It would also be very close to the keel, and in a steep ramp situation, you could easily hit it.

I got the mount off today, but realized a bit too late that stainless bolts & steel lugnuts don't mix......we had to bust the bolts to get the tire off, and my 300 ftlb impact wasn't enough..had to use manual power, and came close to damaging the rim in the process.

I am gonna get some regular wheel studs, and weld them to the mount. That will let me mount the tire easily, and use the correct lug nuts to do so. It will also let me move the tire away from the boat about another 1/2"-3/4", which should give enough clearance for most situations.
Good idea Mark! What I meant though, was to mount the spare on top of the trailer horizontally, where the Nitro graphic is, giving an inch here or an inch there for clearance sake. Mounted vertically, I understand it would be a problem in a lot of areas but horizontally I don't see how it would block any trailer lights, or interfere with the tongue jack or be close enough to the keel that any harm would result, especially with the bow stop farther back than the spare would be, and you'd scrape the heck out of the trailer on a steep ramp before you'd get to the tire. A lot of trailers in my area have their spares right where I'm trying to explain and even have drop down "cages" where the spare tire goes and is easily chained to help prevent theft..

My old Glass Boat was that way and I never had a problem.

I wish I knew more about PhotoShop so I could show you what I mean.:wacko::lol:

Maybe I'm missing something Mark but no offense is meant, just trying to maybe help..

Uncle Billy
I know where you were talking about. It's the same place everyone else is when they say up front.

The V on the Z-7 trailer is too narrow to put a cage like you are saying, and where the 2 sides of the V come together on top, where you are saying to put it horizontally, there are 2 trailer lights on the top of each side of the V, and the tongue jack is also there. There is NO WAY to put a 14" tire there unless you offset it over 1/2 the tire diameter to the drivers side of the boat.

The pic really doesn't show just how little clearance there is in that area under the hull.

Trust me, I wish there was a way to mount it there. The trailer is only about 14" wide at that point, and the tire would require a minimum of 25" of clearance to mount it there. With the tongue jack being mounted to one side of the trailer, I only have 14" of clearance to play with...just not enough.

Another thing to consider, is by mounting the tire that far forward, you will increase the tongue weight a lot. While that won't matter to the dually in the pic, my Cherokee wouldn't like it at all. Heck, I'm not even sure it will like the tongue weight as it is now.

I tried to lift the tongue at the store, and it is a lot more than I was told or expected. I didn't really grunt to lift it, but I didn't move it either, and I'm not sure I can by myself. And I ain't no weak little guy either. I still have to determine what it is. If it's more than 300 lbs, and it may well be, I won't be able to use any of my other vehicles to tow it.

NO offense taken by your suggestions at all, you're just trying to help, and I appreciate that.
Here's where my spare is mounted on my 16' Lowe jon (sold the PT175). Being mounted there it does provide a good seat when I'm loading at our really shallow ramps and don't want to get in the water to pull it on the trailer. I'd like to mount mine under the front frame also but not possible due to the same reasons as above (frame width, trailer jack).

Well, I fixed it. Bought 3 - 1/4" spacers for a compact car, and mounted them on the wheel studs I welded on to the mount. I then screwed the spacers to the mount as well, so they don't come off with the tire.

Now, it has a good solid surface to mount to, and I have about 1 3/4" between the tire & the boat hull. If that isn't enough, I can move the spare mount forward on the trailer some to gain more, but it will be on the curved part of the trailer, and I may have to add another ubolt to keep it from moving easily.
It's in my library now, but you are the only person who hasn't been able to see them.
That's because before long, all wrokplaces will have firewalls to prevent that:angry:
I hear ya work, no pics show up.....
I can see the library here though because it's not connected to Photobucket,shop,etc.,

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