Here we go again

  • Thread starter Skeeter Skeeter
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Skeeter Skeeter

New Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Jim, the bad part is Tracker has ok'ed the repair of arthritic minnows boat from what I under stand 4 cracks in Chris's hull. That boat has hardly been on the water and developed the cracks. A guy (not saying the name) told Chris to hold on not to come get it because he wasn't happy with the repairs. Then I understand it was yesterday afternoon he gets a call and said come down and get your boat, tracker said it is all repaired. I guess if you leave the boat down there they charge 24 bucks a day for everyday after a week so by picking it up I suppose your accepting the repairs. What a shame he has hardly any time on the water and he mostly perch fishes in calm water. Never seen any waves. His last tracker they took back and replaced it with this one what 5 mo ago? Something is wrong with their customer service to allow such a thing as this to happen after a person pays such a huge price for a boat. Skeeter
If you do a search under here we go again by arthritic minnow, 11/27/2006 22:14 ET

Category - Tracker Marine Issues Be sure to state 60 or 90 days also.

YOU WILL GET THE WHOLE STORY, well not the whole story because as it would seem he is back to square one! Skeeter has locked my topic and you cannot reply to it. Sorry this had to happen.

arthritic minnow.
It's not only locked but you can't read it either. Chris, I'm not jumping on you again but why is all of this being spewed on this forum again? I don't even know who's boat is damaged and what is going on about fixing it because all of this is mind bogling.

Skeeter, it's obvious that nobody here can help with these problems now or they would have answered with their ideas. So, as this involves only a couple or three of you, why don't you just e-mail or Instant Message each other?

Hey Hale... Happy New Year to you too my friend.. I tried to look at the link you had in your post but they wouldn't let me on? I hope your doing ok..

Uncle Billy
Sorry Unce Billy, I'm going to have to disagree with you. First, there's 4 of us. You keep clicking on and replying to the post. I'll be sure to cc you too! :)

Now, my take on you. Your an older guy who doesn't believe in suing people and basically an old schooler. Maybe I'm wrong, but people like you should be ashamed of themselves! You empower big corporations to take advantage of people, the little guy. You turtle into a ball and take your lumps undeservingly out of so-called pride. If people with limited incomes like Minnow and I can battle a big corporation and their fleets of lawyers with our $20/month internet connections...... more power to the little guy! Sorry to darken your lovely sunshine filled life with our problems, but this is a free country and nobody holds a gun to your head and makes you click on our post! Do they? So don't click on them and keep your out-dated opinions out of it. If you don't like it, DON"T CLICK ON IT!!!! Geez! :wacko: This is the 21st century. The age of rapid and mass communication. If you or any corporation can't deal with informed consumers sharing FACTS, get off the net. Plain and simple. Sorry for being so blunt, but your arrogance really rubs me wrong!!!

I pray every night since this experience, to the lord that people like you will live our boat problems, only worse, so you can see the light! I pray, I pray!!!
Well, I clicked on it so I must want to see what's going on.. Darn, sorry I was wrong about the number of you also. Four instead of three. GeeWhiz..

Your take on me is entirely wrong except for my being an older guy. I assuredly don't have anything to be ashamed of. I pull for the "little guy" whenever and wherever I can but I don't believe you're the little guy here. If you truly believe I have a sunshine life you don't visit here often or you just post your problems and ignore everyone elses. Everyone on this board has, or have tried, to help anyone with problems if they could but you and your ilk abuse that! Like I said, nobody has responded with any help references so why do you keep posting on this board unless it's just to stir up trouble? You've done it before and more than once. That's the only reason you ever post on this site. Why don't you just knock it off and go see that lawyer and sue whomever it is that you want to and about whatever it is you want. Sharing facts on this board is simply ludicrous and just asking for people to immediately dislike you and not care about your problem.

Praying to our Lord and Savior for something like you have admitted to is not only laughable but borderline insane. You don't have to answer this you Jerk, and I mean that as friendly as I can. There have been times when I would be out driving and would see someone doing something idiotic and I would say, "boy I wish I was a cop right now". Have you ever done that? Because right now I wish I was the big Kahuna of Tracker and I'd see to it your boat was never fixed and If I was the owner of this board you would be banned as fast as I could do it

Uncle Billy
Hey all, Lets all chill here please. I am working with Rich Tota at the Tracker repair facility to get my situations (notice the "s") taken care of. I got my boat back just in time for our snow storm so I haven't had the chance to get it out on the water. Like I kept telling ppl. about the time I get my boat back we will have snow and ice on the water. Sure enough it happened. I may have to wait till spring to get the boat back in the water but as Rich said in a reply to one of my other post, he is and will take care of me. He know first hand my situation so put a little trust in Tracker that they will come through again and maybe a little quicker as Gary Parsons said that they have revamped there boat facility.

Chris Jeroue.....aka. arthritic minnow.
