Help with black hull

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Paul Sumpter

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry for only posting when I have a problem but you guys know your stuff. I am always lurking in the back ground.Kind of like taking boating and fishing classes.I try and take my boat out at least once a week.This year I have only had it in the river 3 times but in clean electric only lakes about 10 times.The other week I was pulling it out and I noticed the hull was black from the water line down.I tried pressure washing and scrubbing and nothing would touch the stain that appeared to be in the metal.I was really getting worried so I got out the Mothers polish and it took me 2 hours on half of the transom.I thought there had to be another way so I went to the boat store where I bought it and got some Toonbrite.Well that took it out and left the hull all white and splotchy,Didn't look like a new boat any more.Back to the mothers.I spent ten hours buffing with mothers and then a good coat of wax.looks some what normal again just don't want to go through that again.Has any body ever had this happen?I called tracker and they said it is normal.theres a picture of it the white is where the toonbrite was sprayed on and ran down.

Thanks Paul:(
Tee is the shiney tin rig specialist. He will have a few suggestions to get the shine back but then........I can tell you what he will suggest.....Sharkhide. His has been on for a few years and it supposedly still shines like new. Expensive to put on but well worth it if you want your tin rig to stay shiney!! Pop in anytime!!:lol:

Not expensive at all especially considering my rig was done in 02':D

e-mail me and I'd be glad to help;)

Just an FYI - When applying your metal hull cleaner, spray from the bottom up to keep from streaking.
If you plan on Sharkhide not use acid wash!

You HAVE to polish anyway....creates more work.
Thanks for the input.Going to order from overtons.Your right Tee it does create more work

new buffing pad and i'll be ready.This time shoudn't be as hard.Again Thanks Paul
You better have a few pads! It will turn everything black from oxidation.:lol::wacko:
I'm finishing mine up this week, and will be doing the sharkhide next week. Went through 5 wool pads and two foam pads on a 90TX. LOTS of work, but well worth it.

If your hull is pretty new, I'd skip the acid wash and just polish and apply the Shark Hide.

Look great!!!
You guys are really gonna appreciate the scum and algae wiping right off like glass!

You'll also get alot of attention on your "chrome" rig:cool:

Why dazzle em' with Sparkles when you can just BLIND THEM!:lol:
Tee's stuff he uses is great and I've seen the result.. It's as shiny as all get out!

But I did have a neighbor who offered me a teeny bit of some stuff called Gord's and I think it's great. I did a little at the stern of my boat and it looks really good so you do have a choice. Give either one a try and I don't think you'll be disappointed at all.

Uncle Billy
I can't figure out how to get pictures in a reply on this site, but if you got to my library, there are some pictures of our boat there. Was well worth the effort.