Help on Tracker Warranty Service

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Sep 19, 2003
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I dropped off my 2000 Targa at my dealer up in Delaware, Ohio on 1/14/05. Initial problem was diagnosed by service mechanic as a broken weld causing a small hole in the hull. Latest from the dealer: Will probably have to be sent to Tracker approved Cincinnatti weld shop. Spoke with dealer on 2/18/05: Dealer stated that Tracker still has not given them the go-ahead to process to Cincinnatti even after receiving pictures due to a "complex bureaucratic Tracker warranty process". It's been 5 weeks and my boat still sits at the dealer. Don't believe its dealers fault, he sent pictures week of 1/17/05. Who can I contact directly at Tracker who can give me some info for the holdup or am I just being unrealistic for turnaround time.


I agree...PUSH the dealer! It's sad to say,"That'll be the only way to get anything out of them"..been there and didn't even get a TEE shirt;)
I think someone here has the name of head of CS at Tracker, I had an issue back in 1999 and the only way to get it resloved was bypassing the dealer and going straight to the top person in charge at Tracker for warranty issues. Spent 4 weeks getting knowwhere with dealer, spent 2 days back and forth on phone with Tracker contact and got resolution.

Perhaps PM has a name as he used to sell Tracker/Nitro boats.
The last known head of tracker customer service was Nathan Long...
And he was a laugh! I had to go over his head but, still the dealer had to be involved. You can work thru the least that's what I had to do to get a new rig. I wasn't about to let them tear into a boat that they had not even recieved a check for yet.

Another word of advice guys...If you buy your rigs thru your local credit union...more than likely the union will step up to the least they did in my situation.

They do look out for THEIR customers:)
Well it's been more than a year since my last post but Paul's Marine got me off the sofa.

First off do yourself a favor and call Ohio Marine (at Indian Lake). I know you didn't buy the boat there, but aleast call and find out if they will help you. This is a first class operation hell bent on customer service and realtionships.

Everything Dave just said is true true true. They are more interested in the customers spending $75k or more for the Fourwinds stuff. I don't know why Tracker doesn't pull their franchise they really due unjustice to the whole Tracker Marine Group.

Lastly, polite, very polite, anoyingly polite call call call Paul's daily, twice daily even but be polite. They'll go out of their way just to get you off their backs. Even show up once a week just to check.

Reality is, the dealer could do a lot better job of follow up with Tracker. That's why the boat is sitting so long.
I'll second Scott on Ohio Marine:) At least years ago when I bought my first Tracker Pro Team 18 there...nothing but good things I could say or heard.
I have purchased 3 tracker/nitro's from paul's marine. The minor mechanic issues have ALWAYS been taken care of fast and right the first time!! I would go nowhere else in centeral ohio for service work on my tracker/nitro. I cannot imagine that delaership not resolving a problem if one would happen to exist!!!!!