Headin back to bad guy land!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Well, a week from today I get to head back to work. Of course, I'm light duty pretty much until July. Docs don't want me rasslin with the inmates. I really don't want to either, their dirty....and they smell funny too.

But it will be nice to have something to do for a change. Being on light duty, I can't swap (trade shifts, working doubles with another CO so we can get 8 days off at a time) so I am stuck working singles. Good news is they will put me on squad 8 which means I get weekends off so I can see my family on the weekends. I work 300 miles away so I stay there during the week.

I bet the 6 weeks until I go on vaca for June will fly by. Then it's tourney season. When I go back the end of June, THEN I will be regular duty again. Hopefully, I will be transferred to my home jail (Clinton) by then. We'll see :blink:
Glad to hear that your are progressing. However, can't help but ask the following?

Your 'home jail'? :rolleyes:

Brings to thoughts all kinds of questions! :p

Damn right Mac! Clinton is the last REAL jail in the state along with Attica. There we can treat inmates like inmates...not GUESTS!

Tex, I work 300 miles away. You have to wait for openings to get home (north) and I've been waiting almost 4 years.
good news rob....take it slow...
