HDTV - Plasma or LCD

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Went to buy a new TV this weekend and learned alot. I think I want an LCD because the room is lined with windows and LCD's are suppose to help with glare. I think I want the Sharp Aquos 46" 1080p but I have read they have a "banding issue" whatever that means. Anyone have any suggestions on which set to get?
I have had a Panasonic HD Plasma 42" for almost a year now and have been nothing but pleased with it. My issue was that the TV sits high on the wall and that angle on a LCD didn't look as good as the plasma.
I just got a westinghouse 42 inch lcd that blows away the plasmas, from what others who own plasmas have told me, and my Dad has a bravia sony xbr and says my westinghouse tv is much clearer than his on HD
They are using the Westinhouse all over the base including the Service lobby and they have a very good pic IMHO:cool:
I would go LCD or DLP. Plasma tv's are expensive to buy and to fix if you do have any issues plus they will burn in if you leave it on for a long time or video games or even the sports tickers that stay on the bottom of your screen. as fare as 1080P most if not all brodcasted HDTV is 1080i or 720i

1080P is very expensive to the brodcaster don't let them talk you into a TV just for 1080P.

I hope this helps
Personally i would go LCD, they are better in daylight then a plasma is.

If it was my money i would look at a Samsung. They make a really good LCD(they make the panels for a lot of other companies). They also make some LCD's bigger then 46" too.

"Banding" or "color banding"just so you know is when you get vertical lines of color on the screen that should not be there. I would stay away from the sharp if they are having problems with that. Otherwise sharp makes a nice TV. My sister has a 32" sharp and its very nice.
I know plasma's are power hogs I don't know how LCD's are with electricity.
Hey Terri, After going through a couple of months of research we ended up getting a Mitsubishi WD-57731 57" 1080p DLP HDTV. I researched online and went to 5 different stores spent quality time checking out every TV they sell. For us the Mitsubishi was superior especially with bright rooms and a dull view or glare. The key to figuring this out was to have the sales guy turn on the light in the TV viewing room, it was amazing to see poor quality viewing on the majority of the screens in the room, the Mitsubishi angle and view with the lights on and off stood out for us.

Yes, I bought the extended warranty. I bought my first large screen Mitsubishi 12 years ago and a 5 year warranty, after moving 2X I was grateful for the extended warranty. The tech came out tweaked the TV and all was right and I didn't pay a dime. The DLP warranty we got includes 2 free bulbs.

Good luck!


I just sold my 55" Mitsubishi rear projection. I had no issues with it and would love to buy another Mitsubishi but they are so expensive. I believe I can get a nice LCD without paying premium for it. The Sony XBR, Pioneer, and Mitsubishi put a premium tag on their stuff. Not willing to spend over $3000. Started this adventure trying to stay around $2000 then went to $2500 and then considered $3000.

I know that TV has no broadcast for 1080p. However, with BluRay and HD DVD's out there, I would like to have this capability so I don't want to buy something new in 2-3 years. The players are about $1000 now but I am guessing withing a year they will be about $250.
If yopu smoke stay away from DLP..Plasma will burn the screen In 5 or so years...The repairman was here last week and told me this..He said the DLP has a great picture but smoke really affects the dlp lens color...Hope this helps...
By the way fella's, 1080P is what the westinghouse will do, the problem is most HD will not give you 1080P cuz its not out everywhere yet, the westinghouse is very cheap for a type of screen like this, I am getting another Westinghouse for my basement next year when I fifnish it, it is by far the best picture I've seen in that size(42")

I am also in the market for a new TV. I am going the LCD route. I just came across a review of the new Sharp 46" LCD. Overall, this Sharp unit get's a great review, better than Sony's XBR at $1,300 savings. I am looking at it tonight at Best Buy. Here's the Web Site URL on the Sharp review, http://www.lcdtvbuyingguide.com/lcdtvreviews/sharp-lc45d40u-review.shtml


If you go to this link and read the last few pages of posts, you will see what I am talking about. Let me know what you think.


At Best Buy, I was able to negotiate to $2999 and free delivery from $3299 because Circuit City has the Sharp 46" on sale.

It seems to be hit or miss with people who have this set. I am going to call the guy at Best Buy tonight and talk to him about what I read. I will let you know what he says. He seemed very knowledgable.

The model you posted a review for is different than the one I am talking about. The 46" 1080p Sharp model is LC46D62U.

I am considering changing to the Samsung 46" 1080p LNS4695DX.

These cost the same.
I've got a 42 inch HD Plasma by Panasonic. $1799 at Best Buy. Couldn't be happier. From what I've seen Plasma sets have about 60,000 hours in them, then they need replaced. LCD's last about the same but they can be repaired (new bulbs, I guess) 60,000 hours will last me a long time so I'm not worried about which will last longer. I'm sure we'll all have to have something newer or better by then anyway.
ONE WORD- LCD. I have a 52" Hi Def from SONY Love it!
There are rumors that a big screen TV Price war is looming on the Horizon with newer techs coming out early next year. (There are three or four new technolgies up and coming). I'd just stick with what you have for another 6-8 months

IMO, Samsung and Mitsubishi are probably two of the best brands on the market.


1. NO HDMI = you're partially screwed when everything is Blue/HD DVD in a year or two.

2. NO 1080 / or at least 720 p/i = ^^

A good suggestion:


I have a Panasonic 60 inch LCD that has the best picture I have ever seen. However, I am on lamp #2 in just a little over a year. Seems they had problems with a bunch of models having the lamps blow early in thier life. I am sure they have it fixed now but I would be careful. They actually had a class action law suit against Panasonic over this. Some people can actually upgrade to a DLP 56 from a LCD 50 if they blow three lamps. Do a search on PC14 LCD 60 ( I think that's it) lamp blown on google and see what I am talking about. Unfortuantly my model is not included in the class action.:angry: Hope this helps.

I have a Samsung 50" DLP HD and love it. Be sure and check out www.onecall.com too since they usually have really good pricing. I ordered my TV and surround sound from them after my buddy told me about the deal he got and was very impressed with the service and delivery. I didn't have to pay any sales tax or shipping so it was well below any price i could get locally.
I to have a Samsung 56" DLP which is amazing in HD, but non-HD channels are just okay. But once you view something in HD, the other channels will look bad on any set. What sold me on the DLP is that once you replace the bulb in about 2-3 years, its like getting a new set. At the time I bought mine Plasma was just out.
I have the 60" Sony XRB and all I can say is WOW! It was the #4 or 5 product of the year last year behing a Volvo and few other things. Cost alot but well worth it.

Folks who have looked into this, does the DLP which I think (i am a non technie in this area) is still a rear projection but fancier technology and heavier/thicker then the LCD and Plazma right? Does the DLP have the same issues as the standard rear projection TV's with the light fade/brightness if you are not dead on front?
Don't hang it over the fireplace, they do say not to be in a hot area or enclosed area where it can get hot
Correction have the 50" one not a 46". I wanted thr 46 but they were out so they gave =me the 50 for the same price :)
Jim B,

Alot of service contracts include a couple of bulb replacements....

Funny you say that. I bought my TV at Tweeter(only place that had it at the time) and thiers does not. It covers everything but the bulb, they concider that a maint item. :( So i ended up not buying a extended plan at all. Had i waited a few months for Best Buy to get them in i would have bought it there instead. Thier contract does cover them and it would have been worth it.
Best Buy is delivering a 46" Sharp Aquos LCD today. I've read some bad things about it on avsforum.com but I thought I would try it out. BB gives you 30 days to return so I can always pick out something else.

I thought about going with a DLP set for the price but I have alot of windows in my living room and had alot of glare with my old rear projection set. The LCD is suppose to be much better. I am not hanging it on the wall so part of me thought it was dumb to spend alot of money on a flat panel. Hard decision at this point because of everything on the market. I could buy a very nice DLP for about half the price.
Check your local CompUSA. They have a third party policy you can buy on some stuff even if you didnt get it there.

Mike - I LOVE Black Friday!! I get up early and head to the sporting goods and electronics stores! I'm an idiot I know!! LOL Actualy last year i got the best deal on a DVD Camcorder the week BEFORE Thanksgiving then on Thanksgiving even at the 6am sales.


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