Hawg news from KY....

  • Thread starter Tony Payne [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~library/52
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Tony Payne

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
Fished our normal Friday nite run tonite, with 1 BIG difference...

21" long, 18" around.... and I didn't have to stretch my arms out like that "toad" from S.C. (I also didn't officially wiegh it, I figure around 8 1/2 pounds....) and a new personal best for me....
oh, and it wasn't caught on a Senko..... or any other Yammi brand plastic either!
Red wiggler, the cadillac of worms!
Sim,...you STUD!!! Nice Toad....now go get 5 more just like it in your next tourney!!..LOL....Good job dude!!

OK sim, GREAT Fish!! So, what DID You catch it on?? Depth? Water Temp?? Details man DETAILS!!!

Hey Rich D. The ONLY fish brought in the boat yesterday was a small bluegill that Noah caught. Yup you guessed - on a Red wiggler!!!
ok... now that my mind has recoverd a bit...I am still in awe that I caught that beuty...

Herrington Lake.

Water temp was high 70s at the surface, up until 9ish there was a strong current were they were apparently pulling the lake pretty hard...

We ran to a couple of main lake points, found that the fish were holding tite to the botton in 20-22 feet of water. This particular area has been producing fairly good for us on our friday nite runs. We've actually slowed down so much we only fish this one area in about 6 hours.

Had multiple 12-14inch fish IF you could get your bait down to them for any lenght of time. This was almost a dream nite, even without that monster. Once they quit pulling the lake, and darkness set in, the fish moved up shallower. Barb and I both had had several hits just prior to the point, and caught a couple of 1-2 pounders.

This particular beuty was caught on a main lake point that is almost a flat... a very gradual grade.... If memory serves, she was in about 5 feet of water when she hit. It was about 11pm, the moon was up, the sky was clear and you could see Mars on the horizon. (Never thought I'd get to say that!)

Imagine this.... Cast, slow carolina rig style pulls on the bait, bumping over rocks... suddenly you feel as if your hung on a rock, except this time the rock starts swimming.... get the NET!

The bait was the new "Paca Craw" in the Cajun Crawdad color. T-Rigged with a 3/16th oz. Tungsten wieght, 12 pound RealLine and my 4 power Revolver Rod. That setup caught alot of fish that nite... guess the full moon helps after all!

Trep... the bait that worked for us today was a 5" Kut tail from Yamamoto, in the 157 or 208 color...basically a plastic "red wiggler". Barb had a 3# smallie hit her lil baby crankbait on her UL (4# line) rod! Took her 15 minutes to get it in, but boy, what a grin! She is definitely "Hooked on Smallies"!

I've also realized that September is a very good month... last year, on the 13th is when I joined the 5# club, this year the 8, next year??????
Nice fish Simmy! That's it...we got to stay in practice with those bucketmouths so we don't get our arms RIPPED outta' the sockets when those bigolbrownfish from Dale put on the show..hahahahaha!

The weather is cooperating so far.....hopefully we won't have a Indian summer like last year. We'll just play it by ear as far as weather.

Also we may be able to get you a cheap place to stay...we use Hunter's Lodge because of a long time friend and it IS out of season...save you a few bucks.


Sounds good to me! I already have the wekend of the 12th marked on my calender...

I think fall has officially begun, I doubt seriously that we will ahve an indian summer... at this point I'm starting to wonder if we will see the first bits of snow before Halloween this year.

Water temps are already 79-80 and dropping most places, 2-3 more weeks of this and we will be in the zone for a killer October/early november...

Then its "float-n-fly" time!

Where is this lodge?
It's right at the top of Cedar Hill by the BBQ...can't miss it(very close to the dam). I'm going to call this week with my bud and a friend who guides and get some up to date info and what patterns he'll be usin'...he's really good about WHAT to use. It can change a little from year to year but, am confident we'll have some. Location usually does depend on WHERE the baitfish is. Hopefully we'll have a little more wind at that time...it really turns on when the wind blows.

I also have inside people workin' at the place where we buy shiners...$8 a lb but, you'll get about 3 1/2 dozen to a lb.

I also have a aereation system that hold about 30 gallons and about 2 lb. of shiner so we don't have to depend on them to be open...CAN'T WAIT !


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