Has anyone seen the new NITRO commercial??

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
"Nitro Boat vs. whiney girlfriend"?!...OMG!!!! It's the funniest commercial I've EVER seen for a boat...bar none!! :D:lol::D

I can't post it here tho...it came to me as an attachment in an email....maybe you can find it on youtube!!
dude...that commercial has made it around the internet in all fishing boards 5 times now...and you are just getting to it? lol

I posted it here a while back. Guess everyone had already seen it.

All the best,

I saw it a while back and it was a hoot!! One of those funny every time you see it commercials. :lol:
My wife didnt seem to think it was funny as I did. But she is a lot quieter now when we fish together!!! LOL:D
Sorry Mini,...I don't spend as much time on the internet as you do....LOL
BULL!!!! You own the internet by now dont you?
I mean since Al Gore is on the Climate Change bandwagon I thought he left the Internet to you!