Guest Charger question

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David Heine

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2001
Reaction score
Loudon TN
My on-board charger that I got from Rob works sweet. But I have noticed that when I plug it in after a while, one battery charges faster than the other, or instead of the red & green light on , that one battery will have just the red light on by itself. So the other day I checked the water level, added some distilled water on both batteries and plugged them in. This was after a really long day on the water and I know they were down low. Was this the right thing to do ? I have yet to go out again to see if that worked but was there anything to worry about ?
I am a weekend electrician so here goes. Depending on how you wired your tm this could be normal. If you parallelled the batts i would expect an even draw, but if you ran 4 wires on a 24v system to your TM the 12v batt would drain faster than the other batt. Hope it makes sense.

Always check for low water in batts if you suspect something.
Muskyman -

Just because you have 2 batteries in your system doesn't mean that they will deteriorate at the same rate. One of your batteries could be much weaker than the other, have a dead cell, have one cell(s) that holds less of a charge, etc.

It makes no difference whether you mount them in series or parrell; neither will in assure an even rate of discharge.

Take your batteries to a battery dealer (WallyWorld, AutoZone, your Nitro Dealer) and have them load tested. That way you'll know for sure if one or both need to be replaced.

Also... switch the setups... switch the wires and see if the same situation exists...