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Walter Marcon

Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
I have to tell some one. I purchased a used NITRO 896 last December that had no owners manuals and only one set of keys....Well you can probably guess what happened next, yes I left the keys on the trailer hitch and lost them this spring. I did get lucky and found a ket that turned the ignition over but no luck for the storage lockers...

Well let me tell you after a post on this site I got not only a owners manual but also a schematic for the electrical. And after getting Kathy Roberts name and number she sent to my house a set of locker and ignition keys NO CHARGE!!!!! Talk about great service, the storage locker keys worked fine but no luck on the ignition keys BUT SHE WENT THE EXTRA Mile to find some for me, and I bought the boat used.... Tracker customer service has been GREAT to me and I want as many people to know! If I knew Kathy's bosses name I would tell him too.
I've had the same type of service from those folks. Good to hear some positive comments about a good company.

Da Bear
A lot of guys here have had good AND bad experiences with some of these dealers, so most have gotten a little "edjamacated" on how to deal with them:)...There's a right and wrong way. AND having people like Pat, Kathy and many others SURE does help:) Sounds good!
Kathy works at the Auburn Hills Bass Pro Shop with her husband, Craig, both members here. I might add in no small measure, very, very valuable members. (I'm sucking up cuz I love cookies...j/k...)