Gotta sell my boat!! Priced dropped 2 Grand!!

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
I GOTTA sell MY BOAT!!:eek: Check the Swap and Sell section

I just dropped the price 2 grand....and YES,..I'm going to lose 2 grand on it but i don't care at this point...!!:angry::angry:

After almost 23 yrs at GM I will probably lose my job this if anyone is looking for a GREAT boat at a ridiculous me!! I NEED to sell it this month!


Dang Mac! Sorry to hear that! I was thinking of you last week during the cuts. Hope they don't get you. Sounds like a great deal on the boat. Hope someone picks it up. Good Luck, Hutch
That aint good Mac...I too have thought about you during these cuts..My father in law, mother in law and cousin are waiting to hear just like you......tough times for sure.....I wish you well...

Sorry to hear that Mac....even Gov't jobs are not safe nowadays:(
Mac, hope you don't lose your job. That would really bite. I still have 3 positions open if you need one. Mine may be open soon if I move internally! SAP is a very marketable skill. You would always have a job.
Thanks Teri,...I appreciate your concern and offer!!

It sucks in's no longer a matter of "IF"'s "WHEN" now!! Here's is what's going on. According to the law, any company who lets 500 or more employees go at once, has to make a public announcement and tell the employees why. Well,...GM has decided to take the low road and they now "fire" groups of 495-497 employees at a time and therefore they don't have to make any announcements or offer any explanation other than "cutbacks due to loss of profits and market share" yada..yada. Here's the real kicker,...if you're one of the unlucky lose ALL of your retirement benefits and healthcare bennies after the 15mos of severance "coverage" is over. One lady who worked by me was an outstanding employee....she had 29yrs and 6mos in. (She would've been able to retire with full bennies this fall!!) They fired her last Tuesday and therefore screwed her out of her retirement and healtcare,....WHY?? Think of ALL the money they'll save if they get rid of all those future retirements and don't have to pay healthcare or pensions!!! It's going to happen all over the place...and there isn't a !@% thing anybody can do about it!! My dept. will get hit again soon....and I can gaurantee there will be hundreds more screwed out of their retirement by a matter of months.....or within a year or two of 30yrs service. It's as easy as saying...."Seeya...your job has been eliminated...thanks for your loyalty!!":angry:

Wana buy a boat??

That is terrible Mac, I hope you end up better off than you are with GM.
Mac - You and the girls come down here is you get laid off, we'll host you and the Ranger till ya set up shop here, fishing ALL year round!!!

Teri - Which modules of SAP are you working with? I've just taken over corporate HR architecture responsibilities and we're looking at SAP in a few areas. Would love to pick your brain if your SAP area's are in the HR space.

I also thought of you when I heard about the white collar cuts. I've been through it before, It makes trying to do anything hard. But one thing I can say that there was always something better when I finally had to turn that corner.

I will sincerely keep you in my prayers Mac. as well as the family.


Mac, I'll I can think of to say, that doesn't sound trite, is I'm sorry.

It just breaks my heart when I see what has happened to the American manufactuing industry. At one time the American worker helped win a world war by building more tanks, bombers, and battleships than the enemy could even imagine. Now, the best we can do is build more Wal-Marts so more former workers can earn 6 bucks an hour selling cheap crap Chinese make TVs for $89.97. It is my opinion that a country that doesn't manufacture goods cannot survive long. What if we had to fight WWII again.....where would the armorment come from???? China???....India???....Tawian??

Mac-- Will be keeping you in my thoughts and preys that all goes well.

I didn't see it in Swap and Sell for some reason. Direct me to it or give me the info. I may have someone who is looking. Best of luck with it and everything else!
Hey Mac,

That really sucks. I wish I could help. Could this be a chance to push S&T farther?

Good luck big dog!

Rich D
Mac, best of luck.One door closes another opens.


It just kills me to hear what's happening with G.M. Do you have a line on anything yet? I hope something opens up for you someplace.

Trep, my nitch is Business Warehouse which is the reporting tool for SAP. I support Financials now and supported HR in the past. I think you are referring to the HR functions on the R/3 side. I know alittle about the data in R/3 but probably not enough to guide you into what to use.

That really stinks. I wish I could offer more than just my prayers for a positive outcome. :(

Hang in there Mac!

There's always Nuclear!

(you've already got the head for it!) LOL

everything happens for a reason...

wow, that sucks Mac, no two ways around it. My dad works for Raytheon, really makes ya wonder when they do things like that to people who have put their whole life into a job. Dang. Wish you the best of luck dude.
Thanks for the well wishes everybody...i really appreciate it! Found out today that the next wave of "cuts" that was supposed to happen coming next Monday. So....I've got another 3 days of bliss ahead of me! Things are looking up!! LOL

BTW..the boat's still for sale!!:p
Yes folks it sucks.....

I dont want to hear or read another thing about foreign cars....I am not going to click on it.

I have been preaching this in almost everypost about it, people need to buy american....but it might be too late.

I oo am concerned about Mac and the other 6.5% of the white collar workforce of GM. it really is a tragedy that is happening and all anyone seems to care about is where is the closest walMart so I can drive my Honda up there.

Pisses me off....

I knew it wouldn't take long before someone trashed this thread.....ohwell...atleast I don't fall in the "lazy Union Worker" demographic.....and I don't drive a Ford either for that matter!;)

Carry on Eye-n-stein!!:angry:

Sorry to hear this Mac.

You are in our thoughts. I am a salt water dude now, but damn that boat is nice.
Thanks Rick...I'll keep you posted on what's happening...the latest "rumor" has all the low-performers being booted on Monday (I'm FAR from that!!) and all the volunteer and mandatory retirements being doled out on Tuesday. (I don't fit in there either), there may be some sorta good news in all of this....sure hope so!! ;)
Just remember Mac, when one door closes, another opens.

I got the axe 4 days before Christmas, and landed back with a much better situation. The contacts I am making at my new 'contract' position, will leave me in absolutely great shape.

Best to you and yours.

Tex :rolleyes:

I hope everytihng turns out alright for you.

I think the whole thing sucks, it really irks me to see what big companies do to people. They expect total loyalty from the employee but when the time comes to be loyal to the the employee they wont do it. I know the deal at GM goes much deeper then that but tbe basics are that loyal employees are getting screwed and most likley will be replaced with cheaper contract positions :angry: and that sucks. The whole pension/retirement thing you mentioned earlier is a killer, i really feel bad for those effected. They worked hard for those benefits and they deserve them.

I wish you the best, i hope it all turns out alright.


PS sorry but i cant help you with the boat, its a damn nice one but.... i just got a new Silverado and im toally poor now. I just opened my excise tax bill and damn near fell over from the shock :(

As someone said, "another door will open", good luck Mac......Kenny g.