Got a 'club' question regarding safety/membership

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
My previous post, indicated that the weather on Keowee yesterday, was anything but calm. Winds in the 25-25 mph range. This is what was reported later at the weigh-in.

One of our members, with no co-angler/non-boater, brought his wife with him. Acceptable by our rules, and she has fished Guys-N-Dolls before.

He has a nice Ranger with a big Yamaha on the back. Considerable problems with the engine(s) that he has had. Saturday, no problems encountered.

No on Sunday, the engine would not fire, out on the lake. They were pretty much stranded up a big creek arm a considerable way from the landing. Also, he couldn't raise anyone on their cell phone. They even went to standing on the deck (both of them), holding a towel up between the two of them - using it as a sail.

One of our members (someone who joined last year), saw them and got waved down. Came over and talked with them, and basically said that if he found someone (back down the lake or at the landing) that could help, he would send them back. He then left and continued to fish.

Later, our member did get the engine to fire, and brought it all the way back successfully. It turned out to not be a 'huge' problem - but still a problem.

From a membership standpoint, how would you address this?

Both my partner and myself, were completely dumbfounded (as were many others), that some would not offer to help or get assistance immediately. He has a new Champion 188, with plenty of size/motor to bring them in.

Obviously, I believe that if it would have been me, someone would have to have pulled me off the guy back at the ramp. One thing to leave me, another to leave my wife out there.

BTW, the 1st place 'pot' paid a grand total of $28.00. It's certainly not a 'money' thing.

Any comments/thoughts?

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG......He broke a cardinal rule of boating AND the law. You MUST stop and assist a stranded boater PERIOD. No option. Chaps my A$$ to hear this kind of stuff. Read him the riot act and get the word out to the members that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. I would also DQ him for the next tourney.

Safety First, You usually don't get second chances on the water.

May I suggest bringing it up at the next meeting and let the club know what this boaters attitude toward safety is?

Regardless of the pot, he should have towed them in or towed the boat to the closest ramp and then taken them back to their tow vehicle.

Rich D
I would kick him out of the club, you do not need those type of people in your club. Just my 2 cents.. Or I would put him on probation

I pulled 16 foot tin bass boat with my 14 foot canoe with 3.5 Hp very slow LOL.... NO EXCUSES!!!
I agree with Toxic. I would not want to be in the same club with that guy.

I was on a, luckily, small lake last year and that happened to me. I had to paddle my boat back to the ramp,two hours, while everyone I passed just happened to look the other way when I approached. What I have seen as to boating/fidhing etiquette this past couple of years however, it did not surprise me.

I agree with Tox too. I know my club would never and i mean never allow something like that to happen. First and foremost we are all friends and the fishing is second.
I don't know who your the president of your club is but there should definatley be some consequences. What an A-hole!!! I hope his boat breaks next weekend...LOL
First and foremost, doesn't your club's charter or bylaws stipulate that ALL boating, and game and fish laws Must be adhered too? Not to mention the obvious,,,,,lack of integrity.


I'll probably find out more 'details' and follow up's - later this week. I did notice that the boater in question (he who did not render aid), seemed to keep much to himself during the weigh-in.

I've fished with him once before, and he seemed to be a nice enough guy. However, I'm not sure that I'd ever agree to be his partner again - if luck would happen to pair me up with him.


I've towed a number of people in, have even stopped to render/offer assistance just becuase they "looked" like they needed it... I know to well what it is like to need help and just have boater after boater pass me by...

Only time I considered not helping was in the middle of the nite once, when the parties appeared to be a little too drunk and I was a little afraid for my own safety.... in the end I towed them (and thier pontoon boat) to the closest marina...

Always stop to help, karma has a big thing to do with it...

Just thought that I'd pass this on. In the SCDNR handbook (covering boating and such), there is no real mention on assisting 'boats or boaters' in distress. There is specific language on happening upon a boat involved in an accident.

Seems to be some very vague references in some places.

Other states have very specific laws concerning aiding of boats/boaters in distress.

Again, this is a common sense and decency item. The more I think about it, the more irratated that I get.

Broke down is one thing but broke down in heavy water is quite another. He put those people's lives in danger and went on about his way. Unexcusable....I will stop if a boat is dead in the water just to check. It's really a no brainer and if I remember correctly more of a USCG rule. In any event it is at least an unwritten rule. Maybe he didn't want to strain that new ChampioN but he was in the wrong, plain and simple. I withdraw the DQ comment if it is not in your state's boating regs or your club rules but I would make darn sure it got added to the club rules and that it is very well known.

You stop and help...period... I might...might...if there was no apparent risk... ask the guy if he would be okay till I ran to a weigh in and came back if there was a serious reason... But, then only if the guy was okay and there was no risk... Big lake, big boat, big first... tow him in... !@#$%^&*( the fish!
Unfortunately, our bylaws/constitution does not cover this type of thing. Also, I don't believe it even covers removing a member.

Good news is, it has quite a few members talking amongst themselves on communications; emergency procedures; appointing an Emergency Office/Member for every tournament, etc. While talking to the 'wife' (who had most of the good suggestions) afterward, I pointed out to her that only three of the members had provided me with a cell phone number for the roster (I'm the secretary). Lot's of good that does anyone.

I've been wanting to produce an emergency phone list for 18 months. Maybe this will be the catalyst for change.

I'm with you Tox. Don't care if it's a new boat or not (and I'm not sure that this was the reason). You do something. I've helped others, and have been helped myself. Also - have not been helped. Really a bummer.

i agree with pretty much what everybody else said,

money is not what club fishing is about. at least in my club. we are all friends first and no one would ever be left behind.

i would have a club meeting without them and vote wether or not to allow them to return.

i would vote them out .


I agree with what everyone is saying, you should NEVER leave someone stranded on the water. The guy should be tossed from your club. BTW: Once I had to tow in a jet skier, who's ride broke down... how's a bass boat towing a jet ski...
There is no reason to stop and help the stranded, whether you tow him, give him a ride back or help fix the problem. I once towed a friend to his spot the 2nd day of a tourney and came back later to tow him to the weigh in,,,guess what he won the tourney,, me, I didn't do so well. He had a ranger, besides it always looks good when a Nitro is towing a Ranger,,,,LOL

I think it was a safty thing. What are your clubs rules on breakign a safety rule? That may be good guidance on how to address this issue.

BTW, I agree, still, with Tox and XMY. WRONG and he should go. Wayyyy to selfish and unsafe......

I was wrong in my first poet it's not a law ..but it should be

I sent an email to guy that I went to High School with that served in the Coast Guard and is now Sheriff on the Colorado River in Parker AZ here is what he sent me:

Hey Dewey, What's up??

Aiding boaters in distress isn't mentioned in Arizona Statutes, unless you

are involved in the reason they're in distress (eg. an accident or


Federal Regulations state:

I looked up in our constitution and bylaws. Nothing specific on safety, but the 'Sportsmanship' rule is there for the using.

Will be interesting to see where this goes.
