Good Tuesday Morning NTOWS

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JD Johnson

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Good morning folks. It;s 50 and raining here this morning. They are calling for lower temps and snow this evening. Afriend of mine came by for some of my home made chili Saturday evening and suggested that when I am up to it and the weather is right hat we do a two day fishing trip on Dale Hollow just because neither of us have fished it. I'm not up to camping so I'll need a motel or cabin. Is there anything for non fishing wives to do in the area?

Have a great day

Morning All: Another chilly morning here in the north country.:):)
Mornin' all! Raining here since last night. Turning to snow later today.
Morning all.... Hey JDJ... you don't need no cabin... "dem" wives should be haning out at the camp ground cooking and cleaning... making things jest right for dere menfolks who is workin' hard at catchin fish....... And, if you tell here I said this I will have to enter the witness protection program.. LOL
Good morning all, supposed to be high 50's here today. It may even hit 60. Bad thing is that we are looking for snow tonight. This is some weird weaather.

JDJ, I've fished Dale Hollow, but I've been up that way. If memory serves me there are a few antique shops up that way and your not to awfully far from Cookville. They have a small mall and outlets center in Cookville. How are you doing today???

Gitty up!! SPRINGSPRINGSPRINGSPRINGSPRING!!!!!!!! Now I feel better.
Thanks Greg but I am currently not in condition to take the ensuing beating if I suggested that to my wife. :lol: I also need electricity for my med devices and doubt that I could get up if I got down on the ground to sleep. :) That's why I need the cabin or motel, one on the lake with a dock to leave the boats in the water would be nice.

Thanks Steve, I'm hurting but I'm getting better at finding the balance between controlling the pain and getting high, now if I can just not destroy my liver with these drugs before the cancer takes me I'll be ok. :lol: :lol:

Anteekin would keep the wife busy during the day and taking care of mne would keep her busy at night. ;)
Good mornin' everyone. Chilly and starting to rain here. I have one Doctors appointment down already this morning and am on my way to another at noon. They can't tell me anything but they want me there.

Everybody have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy
Good eavin' all. Just got home from a long day of mine safety training. Nothing like sitting in a classroom for ten hours.

50 degrees here and raining, calling for snow tonight.:(

So suddenly you are exhibiting "good sense"... Save some of those drugs for me... must be "smart pills"...

I will tyell you that we have enjoyed renting a small motorhome for long weekend trips... Still drove the crew cab truck (2 cbs and everyone stayed in touch)... Motorhome was great for traveling and stopping and was better than a motel room when we got there... SO if no cabins are available....