Good Morning T.G.I.F

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2002
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Another beautiful sunny morning here in Northern New York. Pike and Walley season open tomorrow. So will catch a few crappie at another crappie tournament and then go for some eyes.:)
Mornin' Bassin - LM in post spawn here at Anna and hungry. Had a real good day on Wednesday with more than 25. Four were over 4 pounds in one little cove I was able to get back into.

Enjoy the day and the weather!
Good morning,

Just got home from hospital, no sleep they drew blood every hour all night and did EKG every couple of hours. Didn't want me to leave because my eart rate is 150 and bp is 148/105.

The doc thinks it is from the pnuemonia so he let me go although the wanna be doc/nurse was against it and tried to get my main doc to override him. Dang whinch.

I'n gonna shower and hit the sack a while. I need to be at the office by noon and the hospital by 2.

Y'all have a great day

Good Mornin' everyone.

Beautiful here today. I wish I had of been with you Bill. Get some rest JDJ. In fact just be as lazy as you can while you don't feel well. Maye that'll help?:) I had about seven thousand four hundred and twelve tests yesterday, well almost. I won't know anything though until next week some time.

Everyone have a great and safe day.

Uncle Billy