Good Morning NTOWS - Happy Saturday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Can't believe that someone has posted the Good Morning message by this time.

Good Morning everyone!

Gunny made it to Anna this morning and picked up the pass. Cold morning at 26 degrees but I am sure he will post later and let us know how he did.

Hail to the Redskins this afternoon when they kick the Buc's butt. :lol::lol::lol:
Good mornin' everyone. Chilly here too. I've got to pace myself until 4:30 when the game is on. It's gonna be hard.:) Hail to the Redskins.. Beat Chucky.

Uncle Billy
Afternoon all! Slept in today. Took some cold medicine last night and didn't get up until 1045 today. Guess I needed the rest. :rolleyes:
Good morning folks, I was up at 6 this morning but my son and his family snuck in on us from Indy last night and I got busy playing with my 9 month old granddaughter. Then the rest of the kids woke up and a friend called about a bike he had for sale and as bad as I hurt I just had to go tst ride it.

I hope everyone is having a great day

JDJ - Well?? Did you ride it?? Buyit?? or both?? LOL
Trep, I rode it amd I am thinking about it. I'm probbly gonna go get and spend an hour or so on it after th kids head back to Indy to be sure my back will take it before I buy. I also have a doc appointment tomorrow to see why the pain is increasing and spreading and his answer if I get one ill have a bearing on the decision. At least I got to ride again. :D
JDJ, was it a Harley? I had a few bikes in my time, never had a harley though i was more of a quieter cruiser type.
I'm not a Harley fan either Trep, the '06 Road King I rented last wek was ok but it was a vibrating, shaking, underpowered, overpriced piece of ..........................oh never mind, they have a good marketing plan and you gotta respect them for that I guess. Some people like them and some of us don't.

This was an old Goldwing, it looks a little rough but it runs very well, I'm just more of a cruiser person and th ergonomics of the GW don't fit me to well but for the price I may take it.