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Bruce Moore

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
What a game! Manning showed that he is Super Bowl material.


Thanks Don. As always, in a game like that one, it's a shame somebody has to lose.

BTW, Max that "choke" of yours turned out to be the Pats defense trying to get their breath.:lol:

Haa, You have to understand when you are born in Indianapolis you have to be fast and run in circles....................:lol:

Oh Bruce, I am the happiest person on the planet to say that I made a grand mistake. Maybe the Colts read my Blog!! Bu-Bye Pats!!

Max <><
Vegas changed the odds to colts by 7, That will leave a mark !!!!!!!

What a game. I dont know about anyone else but i have been a football fan my whole life and i dont think i have ever seen a game as hard fought as that one. Although the outcome was not want i wanted to see(im a pats fan for life) i think this honestly could be the best game i have ever seen. I think this one will be played on NFL films for a long time.

You have to take your hat off to the Colts on the way they came back from what normally is an insurmountable defict. Manning was brilliant in the second half and that was the key to victory.