Gas price dropped here

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Greg J.

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
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The gas station close to my house (about 200 yds away) dropped it's price to $1.98 last night. Now, go down the road about 4 miles to town and it's $2.17! No wonder traffic was backed-up at the station near me this afternoon. Now, to add to this story, after work today I went and picked-up a 15 psngr rental van because I have to go to TN tomorrow morning (leaving at 0500 :wacko: ) and pickup some students we took down Monday. When on official school trips we charge the fuel to the school at...guess which station? Yep, the most expensive one in town! :blink: (it's the only one that the school can charge at).
We were hitting $2.19 around here and now it's down to around $2.08. When I was at Sam's Club today I noticed that it was $2.04 for members.

I kinda relate going to the gas pump like playing a slot machine. Sometimes your lucky, most of the time you're not. I'm sure our $1.98 price will jump back up...probably around Memorial Day ;)
we are at 2.27 in conn i hate to see what it will be come memorial day:angry:
2.04 here by my house, 3 stations at about that price. Down the road about 10 miles 2.27. What gives?:wacko:
It always seemed to me that gas at stations closer to major interstate hwys were a bit higher in cost.
we're at 1.99-2.05 out this way.

Harpo is North OKC, i'm southeast OKC.

INteresting how it changes across the city.

227 here in indiana,down the road 20 miles 208 go figure that one out
Today... I saw (Western Suburbs of Chicago) everything between 2.33 and 2.16... All within ten minutes drive time...