Boys Night Out (long)

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
I gotta tell you guys about the last few days. We've all had them....those times when you have just got to let it all hang out, go a little crazy, light both ends of the candle, have a TOXIC moment. Well, for the last three days I have done just that. My daughters godfather (same age as me), whom I've been friends with for 20 years, our wives are both tri-delts, yada, yada, is in town for a convention. He is a Financial Planner and works for a mega investment co. who shall remain nameless as will the major hotel we have been staying at!! LOL. It all started off as a way for us to go have drinks (3 days ago) and I could stay in DC with him one night rather than drive all the way back to Warrenton. DC traffic is miserable. I won't bore you with the first 2 days details but we have been a little out of control. Then last night after work I went to the hotel to pick him up so that I could take him to the airport and we were having a couple of beers waiting for the traffic to "calm" a little and he pulls out the convention itinerary and says "Guess what"? so I say "What"? He said the Doobie Brothers are playing after dinner tonight (I told you this was a big company). So I say that it would be neat to hear them. He looks at me...I look at him and he says, "You up for one more night"? And I say "Only if it's a b@lls to the wall blow out"!! So he says lets do it and get it out of our system.

These opportunities don't come along everyday where everything is perfect....I don't have to drive, the food and libation is free, live band (that is awesome) and we have a suite in an upscale hotel. So......he changes his airline reservation, re-books his room, calls his wife and tells her he's gonna be about 24 hours late, LOL, I call my wife and get another night pass, and we start slammin. We get ready to go to dinner and he goes...Oh no....I forgot that the dinner is formal tonight. Not only is it formal but you have to have an official name tag to get in the dinner/concert. Well by this time I'm pretty well lit and he wants to just go somewhere for dinner and come back and try and crash the Doobies...I say no way!! Here's where it gets funny.....We go up to the room and I tell him to wait there, I gotta go work some magic...Using my brain, I go to the concierge and ask if they have any "house jackets" (sometimes these places do for tourists who come in and want to dine in the "formal" dining room)....nope, they dont have any. So I go into stealth mode, ....well as stealthy as you can be after about 10 beers, I imagine I looked like Bluto in Animal House sneaking around (pure luck I didn't get busted by hotel security), and I end up in the kitchen where I snag a couple of black jackets that the wait staff uses. 1/2 of my mission now completed, I begin my quest for an "official" name badge. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a receiving line for convention attendees..soooooo...I work my way through the crowd and always alert, I hear some people talking about how one the president of their office couldn't make it,..... yep, you guessed it,...... I go up and tell the clerk that I am San Petrowsky (that's right, San not Sam) and I need my badge. Not only do I get my badge but I get all the material, a free briefcase to carry it all in and a drink pass for the night. I go back to the room with my name tag on, briefcase under my arm, toss my buddy his jacket and say, "Lets go to dinner". He is stunned...So we go to dinner which was a lovely presentation of filet mignon and crabcake, with baby vegies, and a salad with edible flower petals in it.........and of course we are downing vodka like it is our last night on earth (what can I say, the house vodka was Finlandia)!! We partied like rock stars, convinced a couple of fine young ladies from England to be our dance partners for the evening and we had a blast!! I was back slapping and BSing with some guy (as San of course) and I look over at my buddy and he is ch
Awesome story Tox.

Sounds like you had a blast,I would love to hear the rest of the story sometime.

I sure do miss doing off the wall,drunken shenanagans.I sure need to get out more often.

We were just having some good clean fun. Never hurt anyone or ourselves or violated anyones wife LOL....Everythings got to be just right to be able to do driving, place to stay, etc., problem is that I get fearless when I imbibe and will do anything on a dare.


Sounds liek you had some good fun!!!!! And I thought my Italy stories were make me look like a rookie!!!

Get ready CIII, you and I are going to take a trip up to see Mac, mini, and whoever else wants to join in. I'm thinking sometime next summer. What say you? I'm going to forgo Champlain next year (unless we get a rally with the folks from this board).


Im in!!! Let me know some tenative dates, and I can ask for leave then.

Trip up North sounds good!! Will be sure to bring my long johns too HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Tox, I DEFINATELY wanna party with you! Maybe we can get Mac to stay awake too! lol

If he knows whats good for him he won't sleep all week!!LOL Can't wait mini!! I give myself a trip every year...well okay mabe 2 or 3........but Clair is on my to do list next year. If CIII can come that would be extra great. I really wanted to hit a Camp Neeley but timing has been terrible. I should have my new truck and will even pull my rig up. I'll still be in Wisconsin for 2 weeks in July. The week of the 4th and the week after...So all of you yanks get ready...Corey?...Greg?.... Where we goin next year? I'm a fishin fool!! What's the best time mini?

Anytime you can make it. The later in the year you risk bad weather like Gross did. The winds can be brutal in the early fall. The season doesnt open until the third Sat in June.....but people still fish for them even if they are not supposed to.

June/July/August is a great time. Sept/Oct is pretty good too, but that durn wind!

Great! CIII has said that he would like to come so, I'll check with him and let's get Mac involved schedule wise and we will work somthing out. I am booked the week of July 4th and the next week (I'm in Wisconsin), but other than that I should be able to work around anything.

I have NO IDEA what my schedule will look like for '04 until early '04!! LOL....I have a whole lot of stuff in the works now,...gotta wait and see how it all falls out!

It's be best if you guys picked a weekend FIRST and then I'll try and plan around it,....if you wait for me to see if I'm going to be around, may not happen!! LOL!!

Just an FYI!!
Probably the best way to go for me too. AND if it is a weekend, I will be fishing a tournament. I do almost every weekend in the summer and some are in different parts of the state.

LOL...Great Story Toxic. I think you just wrote the Sequel to Ferris Beuller. Ferris and Cameron 20 years later.

1.) You can never go to far.

2.) If I'm gonna get busted, it's not gonna be by a guy like that.
So, let me get this straight....Mac will try to plan around a weekend and mini will be busy every weekend....So weekends are out? I can come anytime and I'm sure CIII can do the same but we need to get on the same page as far as when would work. We can't even get a day of the week!! LOL. I'm looking at more than a weekend also. 2 days up, 2 days fish and 2 days home is pretty cramped.

Without having the schedule for the Michigan Federation, The Greater North Tournaments, the FLW, Everstart and BASS I cant make a decision on the date.

I can tell you this....

On opening day for Lake St Clair in '04 Bass Pro Shops will be hosting a draw tournament, $100.00 entry on the pond. The winner will be guarenteed $4,000 and $1,000 in Shimano products, 2nd 3K, 3rd 2K 4th 1K.....the top 5 will advance to a national tournament with an all expense paid trip to Big Cedar and compete for a new Chevy Truck/Tracker (or Nitro) Package valued at about $75K! All proceeds got to a local charity/non profit and the event is sponsored by Bass Pro, Chevy, Shimano and Coca Cola.

Might be worth the trip for that weekend. Get here a day early to practice and enter the tournament as a non boater (it is a draw not a Pro/Am).....

Something to think about!

The winning part aside, that is the trip of a lifetiem for me!!!!! I can take soem leave in the summer, just let me know how long and when. I have a class to teach in June, here and July mid month in Pendleton. Other then that I am free.

We will take a look at it a little later. I'm confused. Doesn't sound like we are going to be able to corral everybody at the same time. I could be wrong. I think the tourney would be fun but that puts me right back where I was with the Champlain situation where everybody blasts off in the am and you don't see them till the pm. It was a blast with Greg and Corey when I went to WI because we just fished around each other and could talk and see what the other boats were doing, have lunch etc. Like when you, KB, and I went out on the Potomac. If you get into "competition" mode, then you get out of the "fun" mode for the most part.

Mac and Mini may be busy but the rest of MI working class schleps will be around. Craig, Gene, Smitty, Andy and I could certainly be persuaded to fish Clair with you. Heck, I could even put you some of Mac & Mini's stuff...LOL

Come in June when the fishing is "Stupid Easy".

what a term...Stupid Easy

That's MY kind of fishing...

You bet this schlep would be up for it...LOL

Wouldn't be a trip if we didn't seriously try to link up with everybody we could. Would really look forward to fishing with you Marke. And you also Andy (and EVERYBODY who could make it from the board). Problem is when you go to an unfamiliar lake (especially as big as Clair) you really need to get together with someone who knows their way around. Had a blast with LaMoy (even though he let me crash into the crib rocks LOL!!). He showed me some community holes that I could go back to. As a matter of fact, I was sitting on one when he came to fish it a day later!! Corey and Greg took me across Winiconnie and up the Wolf River and we had a blast. Fun is the goal of every day!! When you tie up the boats and call it a day, that's another kind of fun!! I just better wake up with BOTH my eyebrows!! They have a picture of me from Champlain after driving 12 hours, fishing hard for another 9 hours, and a couple of could have not only cut off my eyebrow, you could have cut off both eyebrows, shaved my head..... heck, you could have cut off my arm and I wouldn't have woke up!! I dare,... no I double dare ANYBODY to cut off Carlos' eyebrow!!!!!LOL

We WILL make it happen!!

Michigan is just a short day ride for Corey and me... We'll be there if we can...
By the time we done it might be a "major" rally!!LOL One of the great things baout this board is the ability to go to new water with "old" friends (even if you have never met face-to-face!!). It is a blast.

Corey and Greg, I am in WI for 2 weeks (the week of the 4th and the next week). Where we gonna go? You guys are welcome to come over to the Chain and fish or we can head out for some of the big water. I'm game for the Wolf again (not unguided though, LOL)or anywhere within a couple hundred miles!! Maybe I can find my sunglasses!!


Yup, that's a definite when you get here again... Laughed my butt off...

Did you launch your sunglasses?If so, you are in teh lead on the launch contest for the year!!!!

Not to make it a dare or anything, but I wil hold ya'all off if you TRY to cut off my eyebrow HASHAHAHAHAHA

I look forward to meeting you all from the great white north!!!!! Looks like loads of fun to be had.

yeah, with Corey and Greg, my brother-in-law and I were following them out of the river and into the lake and I decided to show my B-I-L what the money boat would really do so I dropped back, opened her up and the wind sucked my $200 pair of glasses out of my velcroed pocket. They did about three flip flops, hit me in the forehead and flew out the back of the boat. I guess I take the lead....there's always this weekend. LOL!!

HAHAH I wil try to NOT catch up with you!!! Get my eyes examined tomorrow. Will be looking for sun glasses in the afternoon!!!
