Gas Company Profits

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2002
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If you want to get really mad type in "" and check on what the oil companies expected profits are for this quarter.:angry::angry::angry::angry:
I'm gonna get even with those big oil guys....i am going to buy some oil company stock. THAT will make the price go down like a rock i bet!! And if not...i will make a killing anyway.
Something tells me that the managers of my mutual funds are selling oil stocks and buying GM.:unsure:

I can't believe I'm going to get sucked in here again...

If you want to get mad, yes, read that.

If you want to get educated, learn the difference and economic corelation between revenue, profit, and gross margin.

While revenue is enormous, margin is not growing at that rate. I don't know why this

is such a pet peeve of mine, I could care less about gas companies in general, I just

hate misrepresented or misleading statements by media and others. I'm going on the


nothin' personal James.

I know. The profits are almost as obscene as the gas tax that the government sticks to us.

At least the gas company is working for their profits. (like research and development, billions lost in exploration)

At least there is one man in the government who will give us tax cuts to help us cope with things like rising prices.

At least there are men in the government who are willing to make that tax cut permanent.

At least there are men in the government who are willing to let us drill in Alaska and the Gulf.

You know what kills me? All those enviromentalists who are screaming about rising gas prices. Let them build windmills for their energy and let us drill for more oil...and build more refineries. Those enviromental cooks are more responsible for the rising gas prices than all the oil company CEO's combined and squared.
Since we are on the really mad bus. Why don't we point the finger where it really belongs. The Iranian President. If were not for him prices would not have been able to stay thid high.
Wrong place for the post about tele-commutting. Sorry about that.