Fishing with Dogs

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Larry Harp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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In pictures some of you post, I see that many of you take your dog with you when you go fishing. I'm wondering how that works out for you? I have a Scottish Terrier that's just a year old and full of orneriness. He is very head strong and I'm sure if he decided he wanted to go for a wander in the woods, no amout of calling, begging, or scolding would make him come to me until he was dang good and ready. He is a good rider in the car, however, and loves to get out for walks and trips and as long as he's on the leash he's fine. My wife and daughter think I ought to take him on the boat fishing with me but I have some reservations. First of all he's all body and head and very little legs so I'm sure he would be a terrible swimmer (the only water he's ever been in is the bathtub), so a doggie life jacket would be a must. That brings up another worry; he has this heavy black coat that keeps him hot in the sun and a life jacket would just make it worse. The other worry would be the various hooks and baits he could get into while on the boat. He'll pick up anything and chew on it so I hate to think what he would do if he came across a Zara Spook or a big tube with a 4/0.:eek:

Anyway, sorry for the long question I was just wondering what your experiances have been with fishing with you dog was. Good idea or bad?

Mine's an older, semi-mature lab so no worries with swimming. I don't take him in the heat of the summer,I don't even like being out in that heat. As for the bait issue, I make him sit on the back deck when I'm by myself, or in the bottom so he doesn't step on any hooks. I would think a smaller dog wouldn't be happy in the bottom where they couldn't see what's going on.
I use lure raps for cranks or anything I think my hook my lil' buddy might get hooked on but, with a little training...he'll stay away from them after awhile.

All dogs can swim....don't believe it? Throw him in the water and see.

As far as him having to go to the bathroom...I make sure he goes plenty(male) and make sure he does #2 beforehand. My lil' buddy has spent quite a few days in a row on the water from early til' late and no problems.

It's funny to watch him bark at a stupid stump or try to bite all my catches:lol: matter how small the legs...they're good swimmers. Take him swimming with you when it gets warmer and he'll learn to really trust you. Sparky took a little coaxing at first but, decided what the hey and took the big plunge and took right off;)

Here are a few pics of my little Jack Russell Terrier who we call a Labra-Jack because he loves the water so much. He generally wears a life jacket when we are in the power boats but loves the freedom of the kayak. Take you dog out without rods and reels and hooks all over the deck and see how he does.

Any time mine see me getting any of the boats read to go out he goes nutzoid and can't wait to join me. Try yours out and you won't regret it.



My Golden loves to be in the boat with me........he has jumped off a few times, but now I have cured him of that, I am now trying to get him to lift his leg off the side of the boat so i don't have to go find a good shore so he can PEE!!!!!!!
the life jacket is a must, so if he does go in it aids in retrival. my lab loves the boat, during the heat i put a bowl of water under the consol with water and ice in it and i make a tent of sorts so she can lay in the shade. she loves to sit in the seat when under way if under 35 mph, you get the strangest looks from people.

Tee - I thought that all dogs could swim, until I got my Boxer. She can't keep her hard head above the water no matter what I try. Even with a doggie life jacket she thrashes and flails so much she barely stays afloat. :blink:

We have an 8 year old 100 lb yellow lab that will sleep anywhere we take him. He does love to go out in the boat though. He spends most of the time sleeping, but will notice a bass flipping around on the floor and shoreline animals once in awhile. Only problem I have is cleaning all of the dog hair off the carpet when we are done.
My wife is always good in the boat, she really likes to lay around and doesn't cause too much trouble..........OH wait! I get it. You guys ment actual dogs:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I fish with Trepper most of the time. Would that count as taking a Dog fishing?

Nevill - That's gonna cost ya on Sat am!!! :lol:
I started training mine on the boat soon after we brought him home. Sitting out in the yard in the boat letting him know what was off limits,same as inside the house. Then it progressed to some short trips close to home, as everything went well the days got longer.

Now it's at the point where I can't go fishing without him. I cannot figure out how he knows when I am going fishing as opposed to work,but he somehow knows as I am getting ready in the mornings. Weekdays he just lays there as I get dressed..weekends he is jumping around and getting under my feet so I can't leave his sight.

We take a pee break every few hours,and if it is hot we'll just take a break so he can swim for awhile.





Tee, thanks for having your shirt on in that pic.Awesome dog pics, especially of your black lab Steve R.

My dog, a sheltie, hates the water.
I always took the wife's boston terrier with me, I kept a plastic bowl in the boat and when I stated fishing I would place a large chunk of ice in it. Worked out great. Mid morning we would have cheese and crackers and a drink then continue fishing.


Unless you want to start training the new dog to go with you on the water, just leave him home.

He would almost certainly rather go for a walk in the woods or a ride in the car than go out in the boat with you.

You will have to worry about the heat, about him jumping out, about you tripping over him, about him stepping on a lure, etc., etc., etc.. It took me forever to get a hook out of my friend's Daschund a few years ago. Right through a nipple and we were both being careful. If you do take him get one of the Pet Saver Life Jackets like available from Fosters & Smith. It's easy to get the dog back on board because of the "handle" right on top.

And I don't mean to start and arguement but all dogs can NOT swim and it's usually the smaller breeds that can't.

Uncle Billy jacket&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode+matchal
Thanks for all the replies and great pics, guys. Sounds like taking the M.B.F. (Man's Best Friend) can be a good time for everybody. It doesn't seem like the exposed hooks are a problem as long as some common sense and care is taken.

Tee, I would have to argue with you on the all dogs being able to swim subject. My old Dachshund would paddle his heart out and still sink like a rock. He didn't like the water at all. My daughter has two dogs; one, a Weimaraner who can swim like a duck and the other, a Doberman who just can't seem figure it out. He will only paddle his front legs, which makes his backside sink and do the funniest roll over you've ever seen. BTW, anybody who says all Dobermans are vicious just knows what they're talking about. Ruger is the sweetest mellowest dog I've ever seen. I would worry more about my Scottie giving you a good bite than I ever would the Dobie.



I've been tellin people that about Dobies for a long, long time. They are one of the most sensitive breeds you can find. My neighbor had one for fourteen-years and he was great. And, like your daughter's, he would sink. His front legs would go like a bat out of heck but the rear would be steady going down.:) My big Golden, Buddy, would get in the pool to get the ball and then bring it to the Dobie.

The image of German Soldiers with Doberman guard dogs helped scare people. There was also a TV movie named, "They Kill their Masters Don't They?" That didn't help... They are great dogs.
I guess I better quit throwin' dogs in the lake:lol:

Tee, just throw muddogs and Zara Puppy's in the lake.:lol:
