Fishing line in prop... now what??

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Tony Payne

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
As we were preparing to leave the lake saturday, I found some line wrapped around the prop.

I know it wasnt there at the start of the day... in fact, I know pretty much when we picked it up.

I was able to get the majority of it out without removing the prop, but plan to remove the prop before the next trip to check it out.

Problem is, I have no idea what I'm looking for.

I've heard all kinds of horror stories about line damaging the LU seals.

I'll concur with the expert. A damaged seal will be made evident if you see water mixed in with the gear lube. The gear lube will be milky if the line did any real damage. If you stay on top of it, and get any remaining line off before you go out again, you should be fine. It's the guys that don't pay attention, and don't do a thorough inspection periodically that end up with horror stories.