Fishing Derby for the Physically Challenged

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Sue DeLelys

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2001
Reaction score
Hi Guys!

Many years ago, my local Rod & Gun Club used to hold fishing derbies for handicapped children and adults. Over time, interest dropped off by the organizations we hosted as concerns were raised over safety and insurance and the equipment was put into storage.

Well, that just changed in a big way and the entire club is excited to be holding what we hope to be the first of many derbies on May 21,2002. We are hosting 35 physically challenged adults at our club pond for a day of fishing. When the stored rods and reels were pulled out of storage, many were broken and not repairable, which is the reason for my posting.

Sorry it is so long, but I will cut to the bottom line. While we have plenty of rods, we are looking for donations of older style, closed face spinning reels in working order. If you have any that you might be willing to donate, please drop me an e-mail at Thanks in advance.

Have a great day!

Sue D.

OK guys and girls I know we do alot for people around here but i am challenging each of you to help out I have e-mailed Sue and will send a reel, This is something i beleave in and Sue has helped us on more than one occasion so lets get behind her.
Sue -

Glad to see you back again!

About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I had the opportunity to join Mark (MOfish) and the Boy Scouts on a weekend fishing trip with blind scouts; it was one of the most wonderfully rewarding experiences of my life! (See "Scott's World; Episode XXXIX" that I posted about the 14th of last month.)

Now, I never did have any closed-face spinning reels..... But if you'll send me an address, I'd like to make a small donation to help defray some of the expenses.



Like Scott, I don't own any closed faced reels. They are perfect for using in this kind of a situation. Please e-mail me your address. I'd also like send a cash gift to help purchase some new equipment!


I dont know if it will lead anywhere but Bass Pro Shops had a reel trade in this past spring. You could trade in any reel in working order for a discount on a new reel.

I know the trade ins were sent to corporate for kids fishing, but I do not know who they were intended for. Nor do I know of a contact to send you to.

If you sent a few emails you may be able to get them to help. We all need to get kids (mentally and physically challenged included!) into the great outdoors instead of inside playing video games or running the streets! The adults with the same challenges should also be included!

I admire you on your efforts to help! I wish I had some reels to donate, but my nephews have claimed all my older (and some of my newer) stuff! Please post an address or email me and I will try to send some "other" items (lures, hooks...etc.)

Hey, Mini!

Knowing the quality of your "stuff"..... How do I apply for Nephewship?

Heck, I will donate a new Zebco 404 or 202. I will get with you by next week Sue. (Kmart) has zebco 202 combos on sale for $7.99, or just the reels for the same price. I am going to purchase a couple and have them shipped direct. Just thought I would post the info in case anyone wanted to do the same.
Thanks all!

I am so very grateful for all of the offers that I am actually speechless! Since I have been asked for an address a number of times, here it it- Sue DeLelys, C/O The Wallingford Rod & Gun Club, 411 North Branford Road, Wallingford, CT 06492. Please include your name and address so that we may send an acknowledgement and let me know if I can take care of the postage/shipping costs. Thanks again, you folks are the best!

Have a great day!

Sue D.

A check will be on it's way tomorrow morning. Our office mail has already been picked up for today.

Oops! Who should I make it out to? You, or the Wallingford Rod & Gun Club?

Thanks so much! Please make the check out to the Wallingford Rod & Gun Club.

have a great day!

Sue D.
Hey MOFish,

I received a very nice note in the mail today, with a very generous donation! Thank you so very much. I will not be able to attend the derby, but will send my camera in my place and will post some pictures.

Thanks again!

Sue D.
You're very welcome. Glad to be able to help, and I'll look forward to seeing the pictures.

There are two Zebco 202 combos on the way. Hope everyone has fun.

Bob G.
Hi again!

Well, the club caretaker is dropping by to see me on a daily basis now! Many thanks to Readdurt for the reels and to Scott for another very generous donation.

I would have posted the arrivals earlier, but we had some intense thunderstorms move through the area tonight. Having one modem get hit once was plenty and I now shut the system down when it gets stormy.

Have a great day!

Sue D.
You're welcome! Thank you, Sue, for giving us the opportunity to participate in some small way!

God Bless!

Hello all!

Update time! Today We received a reel from William and yet another very generous donation from Cass. I am running out of ways to say thank you, so I guess that I will leave it at that....for now!

Have a great day!

Sue D.
Hello all!

Another big thank you to Bob G. for 2 Zebco combos that arrived today.

Have a great day!

Sue D.