Fish and Ski wireless trolling adaptor plate

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Rick Stuart

Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
I wanted to put a wireless trolling motor on my 2006 Nitro 189 Sport Fish and Ski. So I ordered one. Problem was the plate the old motor used to mount on my boat was pretty specific. It has a key that fits in a fitting on the front, then a fitting on the back that has a thumb screw that fits on the boat. The key has tension springs that hold the motor tight to the boat to prevent it from bouncing on the bow. It is a long plate, the wireless plate is much shorter and wider.

I measured the trolling motor shaft from the end of the plate and it was 7 inches. The wireless motor was 1 inch from the end of that plate to the shaft.

So I took the old plate with the springs and the key to my friend that has a machine shop that makes trials motorcycle parts and told him what was up. He made an adaptor plate that is wider and longer and high enough to let the key on the front work, still mount oem on the boat, and the wireless plate is on top.

I am going to mount it all up this weekend. Now I can troll for trout or fish from anywhere on the boat. Here's some pictures.

looking at the top


the front with the springs


the bottom with the key that fits the boat


side view

Hi Rick

I had the same issue when I bought a new Motorguide that had a different bracket. I had my buddy who works at a machine shop make me an adapter block which screws to the original key so that the spring mechanism worked as it should. I went crazy calling tracker up to just order that key but quickly realized that it was best to have one machined.

It is amazing what these guys with computers, a hunk of metal and and a big machine with cutters can do.

I'd like to have him make make a deck extension like the one in your pictures. That will be next.
Hi Rick

The deck extension with seat post mount added is the first money anybody should spend after they buy a Fish and Ski. Makes a world of difference for fishing.

Any tips on how to measure for the deck extension? I was going to use cardboard for a template.

I'll measure the dimensions of my deck extension for you this weekend. I bought mine from tracker whe I purchased my boat and it basically press fits in the open area. Its made out of sheet metal with a carpet covering. I also added pull straps to the surrounding hatches so I could pull them open when the insert is in. I Strongly recommend adding a seat post mount to the extension so it gives you more area between the post and bow. The standard seat post hole is way too close to the bow. Check out the pictures in my library to see the extension with seat post base.

Ok I used it for 1 day at Clear Lake Ca. Quick review is it clears up lots of deck space on a fish and ski, it is easy to use, power seemed to last a long time, it didn't run down. I can move the foot plate anywhere I want, and the optional remote was nice to have. If I was messing around with a fish in the boat close to shore I could give the remote to my friend and he could keep the boat clear of the rocks while I saved the fish. That's a nice feature.

I really liked the wireles trolling motor but I wish it didn't beep so much when I clicked on the control buttons! The plate fit fine, can't wait to use it more! :D:rolleyes:

Up next: a deck extension!
Sorry Rick. I owe you some dimensions. I'll try getting them tonight.

No worries, no hurry. I heard they didn't sell a deck extension for the 2006 189. I'll be up and measure the boat in a few weeks. Shouldn't be too hard to make. I hope. :)
This post is the reason i just joined the group. I was having a hard time figuring out

how to mount my new trolling motor to my nitro 189 sport and having no luck at all.

Idid alot of searching on the web and came across this post on your web site, the pics

were a life saver thanks to Bib Rick for the post.

I did not have acess to a machine shop, but the pics gave me some great ideas and after

some trial and error my new trolling motor is installed and working great! thanks again guys!!
Hey Big Rick, Eric from Woodland here. How you doing? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Looks like you still have the place at Clear Lake. What a mess that place was this summer with all that nasty algae. A buddy and I fished the Triton tournament in early Oct and took 13th. We were around Windsock Point for both days and pulled in 37 lbs.
