First Day Jitters......

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Today is my first real day of work at Bass Pro. I am EXTREMELY excited but I'm also a little nervous (but thats normal).

I have to take a test when I first go in over the stuff taught in Training. After that, I think they let me go and I start serving customers in the fishing department!!

Remember....if you get stumped by a customer, don't be afraid to say your a new employee. Most people will be very understanding. Oh wait, your going to be helping bassers. Forget my advice. Good luck.

Da Bear
BJ - Enjoy, relax and you'll do fine. LIke Bear said, if you get stumped don't make sh$t up, say you are new but you will get someone RIGHT AWAY that will be able to help them.

Do us proud!!!
ok....ugh......they gave me two green shirts...if i want anymore...i have to order them...

I just put it on....its a 2xl tall....not my size....its a little big (and baggy). My other shirt is long sleeve and i dont want to wear a long Oh well I'll make do with it and order a couple more shirts.

BJ - did you read Iaconelli's book? He worked at Dick's Sporting Goods store and practiced against other employees hitting targets with various lures ala Larry Bird/Michael Jordan in the McDonalds commercial (you're probably too young to remember it).

"Off the deer decoy, around the fly rods, over the sale bin, nothing but net"

I'm not suggesting you do that at BPS ... well, not your first day ... ;)

Good Luck! Bill, the Mad Kayaker

B.J. just remember you can't please everyone all the time. Trust me your smart enough to get help when you need it.

Beware the customers... You'll be standing there at the reel counter helping someone pick out a reel. You'll point them to reelA as one you've used personally and think is a good value in that price range. Out of nowhere, this eagle-eye know-it-all will discredit what you've said and tell the guy that reelB is the cat's poopie and must buy that one.

Do be a nice young lad and share the stories like that :). Such a situation is just like a woman asking you if a dress makes her look fat. There's no right answer, and you might get a black eye no matter what you do or don't say :).

The fishing dept will be easy for you handle you spend enough time in there as it is.....its the customers that aren't looking for the fishing section that will cause you the most problems....for some reason they can't pick there heads up high enough to read the store signs to tell them where a certain dept is. It won't take you long and you will know the whole store like the back of your hand....

Good Luck and I am glad its you and not me having to deal with the public.
Good luck, I feel for anyone working retail, they have more patience and guts than I'll ever have.

Good Luck, after 12 years of retail management I would have been happy to have a gentleman like you work for me. Retail is tuff at times, fun at times and every once in a while you will get to change someones life. You can't please them all but try, say yes Sir and yes Mam and don't get offended when some woman say "I am not a Mam" Smile and say Yes Mam just trying to be polite. They like the show of repect just don't want to be reminded they are getting older (by the way, use the Sir/Mam on all customers not just those older than you)

You will do well.

BASS PRO IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This has to be my dream job!!!!!

My favorite sale tonight:

A boy about 12 or so came up to me at the reel counter and asked "do you have any black baby torpedos" I took him over to the section where all the heddon baits are and we found them. When he saw them he said "yes yes!! these are what i need!!! thank you very much!!!"

Just to see the excitement in this kid was worth it. I didnt get a chance to ask him where he was fishing or what he was fishing for but i sure hope he catches a lot.

and on the downside.......

Man and Lady come in. Man has a GLoomis rod that had a guide break on it. He recieved it as a gift during Christmas. We cant take it back. He wanted it fixed under warranty. Its his responsibility to send it to GLoomis and let them take care of it. The Lady was all upset that we couldnt take it back then and jsut give him a new one. Another associate who had been helping me all afternoon was telling her that he doesnt make the rules and the only rods that we can take back are the Bass Pro rods and Shimano rods....she wasnt very happy.

And on top of that, he bang his rod against the side of the boat and the guide broke. Will that even being under warranty? I wanted to suggest to them that they take it to a little shop up in North OKC to just have a new guide put on for 15 bucks. By the time they pay shipping and have to wait for a reply it would be just as easy for them to get it fixed here in OKC.

Also....has anybody here ever heard of a Jelly Belly bait???????? I had another kid ask me if we had any. When he described it, he described a jig. I asked if it was for bass or crappie. He said any fish would eat it. We looked through the bass jigs, crappie jigs..never could find anything with that name. Even after he was gone I looked through the catalog and never saw anything with that name. I asked another associate and they too had never heard of it..... anybody here heard of it??????

Good Luck! And if you don't have an answer, tell them you will get them one:D
2xl - long! :eek:

I could have 7 or 8 shirts with that much material! :lol:

I knew you were a big kid, BJ.....

I just didn't realize you were THAT BIG! :rolleyes:

Now I know why that cop gave you the lesser ticket.....

He was afraid of you! :lol:

"Please step out of the car, young man."

"Uh... That's ok... You can get back in, Sir....." :lol:

Regarding the bad Customer..... 1) You can't please everybody. 2) He's got some temper! Probably broke the rod himself in the first place. Even his wife was afraid of him. It's customers like those that I always thought should go to the competition - lower their profitability!

Regarding the Good Customer..... It's seeing the smile on someone's face when you meet their needs that makes the Sales job all worthwhile! Nice going, Mr. BJ!



Even bad Customers are spelled with a capitol "C"! ;)
BJ - if the Jelly Belly bait is what I think it is, it looks like a mini swim bait - maybe 5" or 7" and yellow in color. You put a jig head on it and fish it like a jig or swim bait. If you remember the old Charlie Brewer Slider worms, it looks like the slider grub without the rings. I think Mister Twister makes a grub like that (minus the curly tail) and I may have some at home I can take a quick photo of and send to you if you'd like.

At least this is what I recall when I hear "Jelly Belly".

Hope this helps, Bill, the Mad Kayaker

Hey Larry - that's what I was talking about. Bill, the Mad Kayaker
Soonerfan, Larry, and Mad Kayaker-Both of those things may have been what he was talking about. I'm surprised i didnt see them on the crappie/pan fish isle with everything else.

Thanks again!!! now if that kid (or anyone else for that matter) comes back in, I can help them.

B J just wait till someone comes in and ask for something u do no sell. You tell them u do not sell that and they yes u do i bought it in here last week.I get that all the time.I just say yes u are right but we no longer have it any more.When i help someone find something that they can not find i always ask it they would like to get two sence it was so hard to find.A lot of times they say yes and take two of them. I have worked retail for ten years and have about 20 guys working under me.If u wanting to do a good job always be doing something u can never be finished it retail!!!!!!!!!! The boss will love it.