Fires and Plugs

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2001
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Hot Springs Natl Park
I have read a number of posts about fires or hot plugs, a good oxide inhibitor will help prevent this. A number of us use De-Ox, an oxide inhibitor, on plugs, battery and any other terminal that you can think of.

It is rather expensive about $16.00 for a one 16-ounce tube. We split the cost and the De- Ox.

One ounce will last a boat about two to three years.

My 2 $ minus $1.98.


Oxide inhibitors are for use mainly with aluminum wires or connectors. It may help on a copper wire but the biggest issue is having a solid connection to begin with. Make sure that the screws are good and tight on the outlet and plug. A poor connection will heat up due to the resistance created by a loose joint. Almost all the household outlets I've replaced as an electrician have failed because a screw wasn't tight on the wire or the quick wire connections didn't hold up. That's why you will NEVER see me pushing a wire into the back of an outlet. I always use the screws on the side and I make sure they're tight.

This works well with both aluminum and copper.

Plug-in connections as well as battery connections.