Figure this dream out!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
You might be close to tourney season if......

you have a dream that you're on HUGE fish and lots of them, for an upcoming Everstart tourney. Except, for some reason, you take off late. But that's ok, the director clears you to go. So you run your rig through the locks, which by the way, greatly resemble a subway station slash shopping mall. You don't have time to remove the trailer (whatever that means) so you do it in the water and store it in a rod locker to save time and get to your fish.

On the TV's all over the place in the lock through mall/subway station the weather is calling for a hurricane or tsunami. Either're GETTING to you fish, if these stupid shoppers and tourists would just get out of the way long enough to put the boat on plane.

So you only catch 3 fish, each being about 5 lbs. You don't get back to weigh in in time, but that's ok, since it was postponed due to inclimate weather...aka hurricane winds. So you park you boat in the parking garage (still in the water) for the night and put your livewell on recirc to keep your fish to add to the next day's weigh in.

And you sit up in bed at 3:00am yelling at your wife, "Get me the damn net NOW!"

From there it just gets......well.....weird! :blink:

I think I need to go fishing. Are there any hurricanes in the forecast?
Rob how DOES it end? The Swedish bikini team pulls up and ask for help with putting on their sunblock and while your doing that your wife pulls up in a camera boat with a lawyer that looks like Grouco Marx?

Fatrap, you obviously haven't seen my wife. She IS on the Swedish bikini team! LOL I will have to get a pic for some of these hounds here. Actually, I'd better not. No telling what some of these clowns will do with it.

I don't know how it ends, I woke up. But it was one of those really weird dreams. Ya know, like when I was fishing, the spots I were fishing were not spots I easily recognized, yet they were somehow familiar. They were culminations of multiple other spots.

The really weird part was the driving my boat through the mall and waiting to lock through. Plus at times, my rig was no bigger than a jetski. But I woke up with a great deal of anxiety about how I could mess up such an easy win tourney by not launching on time and poorly managing my time in the mall. Go figure.

I had a dream on time that I was trailering in a big conversion van and the guys I was with wanted to go see the sights even though I was late for boat check in. That one had me wake up all upset too. "We GOTTA get there man!" That's all I kept saying according my wife. :huh:
It's your subconcienceness (sp??) telling you to get a new alarm clock and boat-watch before Tournament season. That should only be another month or so before you northern guys can start fishing:lol::lol:

just kidding, I would love to be up there and catch some yankee smallmouth.

if it was true, maybe my mom or sister would go out in the boat

Sounds like your cheating Rob.....better let them go before you get busted at boat check in the morning :)

It was a vision, I hear they are building one of those malls on Lake Anna.... Your lake may be next.

I find it interesting. I have similar dreams leading up to tournaments. There's always the not getting to the tournament site on time. Then somehow I end up fishing from shore under some kind of concrete structure or a man made looking deal. The fish are usually huge but the dream never resolves. Someimes there's tornadoes. I had these types of dreams twice in the last two weeks. The tournament headquarters was a small storefront in the neighborhood where I grew up. Then there was the delay from the coming tornadoes. Then I had to leave the storefront and ended up on an enclosed back porch with a friend I used to have as a kid while multiple tornadoes tore the crap out of everything. Then I found out I was late getting back to the tournament site, but they let me go anyway. I remember feeling very unprepared. I think that's the thing. The feeling of being unprepared .

If you don't know what you're going to actually do prior to take-off, you feel isolated and alone. You feel like everyone else is going to have a great day and you'll be the only one coming in with zero. It's just like everything else in life. Take the time to prepare yourself and make sure you have what you need before you ever leave the house. Always have a back-up plan. Go over possible negative scenarios and prepare for them. That way, all you have to do is kick back and go fishing.