federation members joining FLW

  • Thread starter Thomas Macaluso
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Thomas Macaluso

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2000
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Just curious ? How many federation members on this site have left Bass and joined the FLW ? N.J federation members voted overwhelming to leave BASS and follow the TBF and join the FLW . I was wondering what members other states have done ?
I'm in two clubs. At first, club #1 was voting to leave BASS and join TBF. After all of the emails, paperwork, etc... came through, explaining just what was going on (still not 100% sure of anything though), club #1 was "on the fence".... thinking about joining both, one or the other, or none. We had a meeting this past Thursday, and after a lengthy discussion, we put it up to a vote - we are staying with BASS in club #1. Club #2 has not had it's formal meeting yet - I'm the President of that one. At the meeting, I think the majority of the club members will do the safest thing and just join both - although at this time, my recommendation would be to stay with BASS. There is a Virginia state meeting for BASS today in Martinsville to discuss what BASS is doing. I cannot make it, but I know two people that are going that will inform me of what goes on. Realistically, I don't think FLW or BASS have it 100% together this year, and tournament competition this year at the Region level is going to be sketchy at best - IMO. I belong to a great region in our state, and I think our Region president (s) will do a very good job at organizing everything.... if FLW/ BASS lets them.

All the best,

The SC Federation is staying with BASS for this year. Not sure what will transpire over the next 6 months or so. One of the reasons is that our bylaws are only changed once a year, and they dictate BASS Affiliation (I just wonder how many other federation's have this stipulation, and are simply overlooking it). Regardless, it does not seem that there is significant support for FLW at this time (but that may change or I may not be reading it properly).

Our club, does not want to go to FLW. We started with BASS, have been with BASS and generally feel that the two proposals are not all that different. In short, we don't see a real 'need' to change.

Mass voted to leave Bass and it seems to me like almost all the members support that. The clubs voted 100% to join the TBF and flw. I joined the flw the other day, im not going to cancel my BASS membership just yet but if i dont need it i doubt ill renew.
New York State Federation is suppose to have all their votes turned in from the clubs by the 5th of Feb. So maybe Monday we'll have some idea on which way our Federation is going to go. I think no matter what happens your going to end up with two groups in each state.

So twice the oppurtunities for the average fisherman but probably a split in number of members in current federation. I'm hoping which ever way N.Y. State federation votes everyone stays as one Federation. Don't know how realistic that is though.:(
The Texas SE region is the largest Region in BASS for the USA. There has been no talk that i am aware of any clubs switching from BASS to the TBF or FLW.

MI will be voting in a special election March 9th.....but based on the information and feedback shared at yesterday's President's mtg...I'd say MI will overwhelmingly vote to join the TBF,....just my opinion though.

Ohio Federation voted to go with FLW. Our club has not received any info from our State Fed about ahat we need to do.

We have a meeting tomorrow night. I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about. We originally talked about going with the FLW for this year and then we would have another vote at the end of the season. From what I've read about this move, each club has to sign a 5 yr contract with FLW.


I'm in VA, my club is doing both this year. VA went FLW and I think that is where we will see the most benefit this season. They are still hosting our Mr. Bass and Six man and our Region 1 schedule is still a go. I'm not sure how it will work out, but I think the VA FLW will have the most to offer us. I don't think BASS is organized enough in the state of VA to offer much this year and they have communicated little as what their intentions are at the state level with regards to tournaments, junior events, state leadership, ect...

I'm not sure but hasn't the federation itself left Bass?and Bass is starting something called federation nation,a different orginization?I think more info is needed on both sides,theirs and ours and whichever is the most beneficial to us,the paying members,be the way to go.
Florida Has voted to go w/ FLW, however my club is joining both BASS and FLW for atleast this year. theres still alot of people on the fence down here. Ive fished all of our state federation tournaments down here for a number of years but I feel FLW is the way to go but thats just my opinion, Ive been loyal to BASS my whole life but I think ever since ESPN bought BASS they got pretty greedy and are really screwing the grassroots anglers.
There is a wealth of information on the issue. Some currrent, some not so current. There have been changes to the original proposals that went out to the state federations.

Another thing please remember that this is NOT a choice between FLW and BASS. It is a choice to align with BASS in the Federation Nation or join The Bass Federation (TBF, Inc). TBF, Inc. has been made an offer by FLW Outdoors to sign a catagory exclusive sponsorship agreement for 5 years. BASS is for one year. After these time limits changes WILL be made. What they are, no one knows.

Another thing I would like to mention and Mac touched on it is that the BASS State Chapters of Federation Anglers is now gone. As a friend said on another board:

"This is not the Mother B.A.S.S. that raised and nurtured us as a Federation infant but has changed into the wicked Stepmother who wants to whip us like a redheaded stepchild every time we step out of line and don't want to do things their way."

You think he has his mind made up? lol....I laughed my butt off when I read that.

Anyway, the dream is trying to be kept alive by BASS with a Classic entry, but the Divisional Tournaments (12 man team) are on shaky ground at best.

I still dont know what Michigan will do. It really boils down to an individual decision again. BUT as an individual you can join both. And there WILL be both in every state. Your club can join both too. But the States have to decide loyalty.

Alot of this has to do with Sponsorships and exclusivity of them. I think its a sad thing to see what Ray Scott and thousands others built be torn down. I just hope each of the new organizations pay attention to the things that really made the BASS Federation so strong. Friendships, youth programs, conservation, education and fishing for some money and bragging rights.

This is history.

This is The Bass Federation, Inc. proposal for FLW Outdoors.

Another pdf.

Look around the site too. You will find a wealth of information on fishing. Not only Great Lakes Fishing. Dan Kimmel (the sites owner) is a friend and a darn good fisherman. He has fished the BFL/RedMan All American a couple times.

