F@%$!!* Thieves!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Just got a call from the guy at my local shop that my truck was broken into and my stereo and amp were stolen! I swear I'd like to have 2 minutes with the SOB's cause that'd be long enough for me to put their lites out permanently!

I hate thieves!:angry:

Sorry to hear that Tee, that sucks. There nothing worse then that violated feeling when something gets stolen.

I had that happen to me once when i worked in Boston. The popped the lock on the door, stole the stereo, amps and subwoofer. I wasnt to happy when i got to my truck at the end of the day and found my door wide open and all my stuff gone. I had a lot of damage too, had to get a new dash, door, seats(they cut the fabric just to be destructive) and obviously the radio and other parts.

Insurance covered almost all of it sans my deductable and the also depreciated the radio parts a little because of thier age. I would say they covered 80% of it. I had all my recipts for the stereo stuff and that made it a lot easier.
Sorry to hear that. I was fishing at a state park and some little thug busted my side window and bent the heck out of the window frame. They rooted thru everything in my car (I was camping) and only took $100 in cash out of my wallet. I considered myself lucky because I had alot of expensive fishing and camping gear in there. They were just out for a buck. Funny thing is I had some $100 bills in my wallet that they missed. If you are going to be a thief, at least be a good one. :p
Tee - man that sucks!! Hope your local shop's insurance is paid up! Make sure they cover the damage since the truck was in their possession and control. Had something similar happen to the wife's minivan when it was at the dealer for work. Thieves stole the top box mounted to the roof rack. Wrecked the rack, dented the heck out fo the roof and scratched up the sides. Dealer tried to get MY insurance to pay, but I stood firm and told him that it was HIS responsibility. They got it fixed and replaced the box, but not without that fight!

Good luck.
I know TEE will do what he needs to do, to make things happen. No use to tell TEE to stand his ground, he is gonna make them pay.

Hey Teri, Where exactly do you camp at?? LOL.. Hey Tee.. Sorry to hear about your Truck Break in. Yep, Thieves and Liars drive me nuts. Hope you get your Stereo equipment back in so you can start listening to you "Best of Barry Manilow" CD's again.

Max <><
I could spit nails right now!:angry:

Donnie...they didn't nickname "Wildfire" after me for nuthin'!:wacko:

OK...I'll settle for one minute!
I've had my truck broken into twice. Each time all they took was loose change to the tune of about $10.00 each time. Both times my truck was thankfully un-locked. I say thankfully because each time, my neighbors had their vehicles locked and their windows were busted out. On top of their loses in the theft's, they had to buy new windows also as 1 side window didn't meet their deductables.

I hate a theif,
Sucks is about an understatement for thievery Rich....Thanx

Remember what they use to do to horse thieves ?

Gonna' have a lil' conversation with my bud as to why the face plate was on it....hmmmm.

If his willin' to help...will see.

I need to caaaaaallllm down:angry:
Tee I am on your side. I once had my Nova broken into back in high school. I had picked up a little lady at a party and were going to get something to eat. It was late and as she slid beside me in the car I reached down for a Styx 8-track tape to slide in the slot and it slid all the way into the dash. They had taken my Pioneer and the rear deck speakers. Good thing about it all was that a friend saw some guys near my car earlier smoking and so me and about 8 other guys visited their house at 7:00am the next day. When they opened the door the look on their faces was priceless. It was two brothers and all I said was that I thought they had something of mine. The first one said "yep". And all I said was I wanted it put back in "now" and not a scratch and that it better work.

When they opened their trunk they must have had half a radio shack in there. I had them throw in an amp with it for no extra charge if you know what I mean.

I laugh now Tee, but boy then it took all I had to not kill them!

Tee they probably would have taken it faceplate or not. When mine got ripped off the faceplate was with me at the time. Didnt matter they took it anyway.
Had that done a few times in the 80's.....worst was fishing Okeechobee in 98. Broke into my truck @ the launch and stole everything but one duffel bag full of shorts and t-shirts. I even had to buy underwear, toothbrush and pit stick!

Nothing worse than thinking there is some illegal cuban running around with my tournament shirts!!!! They got a laptop, digital camera, 35mm camera, gps system, 20 tackle boxes, rain gear, goretex boots, all my clothes, cd's, change....idiots took 3 pair of $100 sunglasses out of the console to gt at the $50 worth of change and left the sunglasses on teh dash!

About 15 years ago I was fishing near Minoqua, WI... Pulled up to the ramp and there were two guys Screaming for help... They were pinned under my truck... They had broken into it and taken quite a bit of stuff... Then they decided to take my cast wheels as well... they were using a cheap hydraulic jack and somehow after they got the last wheel off... the jack got jammed under the axle and they were trying to retrieve it wheb the truck fell and pinned both of them by the legs... The Sherriff's Deputy could not stop laughing at them... They try to rip off a fellow LEO and got pinned and caught... After loads of pictures... the pair who were not seriously injured... got to use a good jack to replace my wheels before they got hauled off to jail... It was a fifth felony for one and he got 6 years and the other got two or three years... I was out a window... I figure the entertainment value of the whole episode was about equal to the $180 I had to sheel out for the window...
Tee, hope it all works out for you. The worst part about it is they probally will sell it for pennies on a dollar.

That's why I very rarely ever lock my doors. Let em get in and look around to see there is nothing worth stealing.

Lost some change out of the cup holders a few times over the years. But it's better than replacing a broken window. I make copies of my CDs to keep in the truck that they are welcome to have.

Although I did get a good laugh when my shoes where stolen out of the bed of my truck while I was golfing one day. They weren't $150 Nikes, they were $20 Wal-Mart specials, and were well past their life span.

I hate thieves also, but knowing they are everywhere, I do what I can not to nake myself a target.


I think I may be getting all my work done on my old Silvy for free after talkin' to him last nite...he felt bad and I did too but, hopefully my insurance guy will square with me next Wednesday. I told the insurance company I didn't have the reciepts because that CD unit and amp had been in there since 1999 but, I do have all my paperwork. I just want a Sony head unit and a cheap 250W Amp and have my buddy wire it for me.

Hate to do this...but, I think I'm gonna' sell my 94' truck (baby) since I have two and I need a small 4 banger for the woman to drive (molest) back and forth to work. Gotta' funny feeling this gas situation is gonna' get bad:blink:
My brother in law had his chevy in to the local chevy dealer to have damage from a dear hit to the front end repaired. He went in to see how things were progressing and they told him it would be longer than planned. He ask what the problem was and they said that someone evidently climbed over the chainlink security fence and stole stuff off his truck but they ( the dealer ) would take care of it and get the items replaced as it was on thier property when it happened. They just had to order the parts. He went out to see what had been taken. Someone had Stolen his rear tail light assemblies ( both sides), bumper, and the back half of the exhaust system.

Now the day before the truck was parked on the lot where he could see the back end from the street. The day after the break in it was parked so the front end was facing the street. He didn't have to think too long to realize his truck had very probably been used as supply parts for the dealer. He asked to see the police report but they said they didn't file a report as it happens all the time and the police never do anything about it. He was pissed but didn't see that raising a stink was going to do anything. They replaced the parts and fixed the dear damage and he has never been back. Too bad there wasn't anyway to prove what had really happened to his parts. Theft can happen even by people you don't expect.

I have had my truck in the shop, again a dealer( different one ). Only too pick it up and notice a couple of hundred miles extra on the odometer. Doesn't seem like a big deal but it shortens up your warranty and uses your gas and oil etc.... They can use thier own trucks to go get parts.
To me it is the ultimate invasion of privacy and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Yeah, a great ol' big 2X4 right between the eyes:lol: