Dudley revisited

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scott lewis

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
This defensive fishing thing. Am I wrong or is this one of the dumbest tactics ever. To think you can screw all 150 other fishermen by hooking fish in a certain area. How many fish can 1 guy hook in practice.
It is the fault of BASS that it happened. Why would BASS post the launch order so early? Dudley would not have stuck those fish had not known he was going to be so far back in the pack. Personally, I would not have stuck those fish but BASS has to change their process for informing anglers of their times.
As I understand it, it is in an effort to be fair that BASS tells the pros their launch order so early. I don't know all the little details but BASS uses a matrix to insure that no pro is hurt throughout the season by always drawing a bad launch order. So for example, if you draw out in Flight 1 for the first day of the first tournament your Flight 1 draw is used up. In the next tournament you can only draw out Flight 2 thru however many flights there are. So every pro is guaranteed a first day launch in every flight throughout the season. You could not tell the guys which flight they're assigned to until immediately before the tournament starts but by the process of elimination, folks are going to be able to figure out where they fall toward the end of the season. So my guess is, to eliminate the end of season bias, BASS decided to just tell everyone where they're launching up front. Everyone's on equal footing this way but then, of course, the possibility of doing things like Dudley did arise.
SLA, I couldn't agree with you more - except that I might substitute "assinine" for "dumbest".
Description is accurate above. There are 12 different flights (I believe), and over the season you would fish all 12 of those flights.

Somebody explain to me,...WHY all the uproar when:

He stuck (2) TWO fish during practice,...NO WHERE IN BASS's rule's does it say you CANNOT catch fish during practice.

and Secondly,..he didn't break ANY rules of ANY kind!!

Tell me WHY what he did was wrong and show me the ruling that says so!!
I guess BASS espn is using it more for ratings than anything else. which we need to ask why and is it promoting the sport in a good light. Look at it from the point of an outsider. and the point I guess why would someone admit to such an assinine tactic. If you are fishing against 3 others guys I am sure that tactic would work. I guess this was a common practice (or so I read- jsut hearsay) when he fished at a previous state level.

Oh well

I think the saying is true you are truley just fishing against the fish.

Not illegal

but neither is driving over all the fishi bedding areas before your opponents get there or even after they get there that is not illegal either.