drain fuel

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Kevin B.

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, I'm tring to drain some stale fuel from my tank, 91 180TF and dont have a pump, can I disconect the pump ball and siphen that way? Or is there any easy way to do this. Thanks in addvance. Kevin
I use a plastic hand pump (cheap at walley world/k-mart, etc.) and an additional lenght of hose to remove the gas every fall. I use the left over gas for tilling the fall garden and for the snow thrower. I do refill the tank with fresh gas and stablizer for winter storage.
I just removed the fuel gauage and used a plastic hose to syphon most of it out.
I did use the fuel line to the motor with the bulb to get it started. You have to take off the plug the attaches to the motor for the fuel to flow however. It get most of it but it you want every drop you'll have to get the siphon hose out and go down the fuel guage hole like Bryan said.
