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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Just a note to everybody who is staying close to home this weekend. I took the opportunity to go over the 929 from stem to stern and tighten all nuts, screws, bolts, etc., ....rubrail, deck lids, perko locks (both the big plastic fastener and the lock screws), hand rails (2), TM, windshield, seats, dash gauges, batterys, gas tank, etc., and let me tell you MOST were loose!! Also threw a coat of wax on the old girl, cleaned out and cleaned the storage boxes, and greased the hubs. When you relly get to looking, there are a ton of screws and bolts in a boat. I needed to do it especially because I have done some long tows and road vibration just seems to work everything loose. Doesn't replace going fishing but it was stuff that needed to be done and it is hard to find the time in the heat of fishing.

Cause as Neeley knows..............................we can fish year round here!!!Bwhaaaaaaaa!!

And the best time is in the Fall AND Winter, particularly on the hot side. Toxic is a believer on the hot side after last year.

Gonna do it on Monday with Jim C. Starting on the hot side and move to the cold side after all the idiots leave from the long weekend. Will post pics next week (Hopefully of some fish)

Come on November - December - January and Feburary. Nobody on the lake!

Bill in VA
Hey Bill.....Can I come? I can't go to the hot side due to the TX but I would like to get out on the water. I'll haul my rig down.

Also, did you get my message about next week?


All I heard was "blshblahblah i'm a dirty little tramp"
Toxic - I assume you mean you want to fish the hot side and CAN'T fish the cold side due to the TX. You are more than welcome to come down. Jim is meeting me at the house at 0600. If you aren't there at that time I will leave you an electronic card and pass card to get into the common area. If the electronic gate is broken the combination to the padlock is on the back of the purple pass.

See ya,

Hey Toxic, I did just what you did about a month ago when I was bored out of my tree one day. It amazed me just how many screws were loose and the rear seat, had anyone sat on it, may have come completely apart. I also found out that my boat had approx. ten million screws and bolts. Just kidding but it sure seemed like it at the time. I also took that day to grease everything up because the boat has just been sitting. I will make sure I do this more often now.

Hey Toxic - Forgot to tell you where the pass cards will be. Check the front deck of the Pontoon on the carpet.

Bill in VA
I'll be there at 0600....I'm dyin to get out!!

Waxed the truck this morning with the new Meguires NXT (poloymer based instead of carnuba). I put it on the hood a couple of weeks ago just to see how it held up and I am impressed. My only tip is to put it on REAL thin. It takes some buffing but looks great, especially on older finishes, it has some fillers in it that will take out (read: cover up) some fine scratches. I did the jeep with it last week. Both vehicles being black I am always on the hunt for the "latest and greatest".

Cool!! I get to meet Toxic! REALLY looking forward to it now. Since the wife and son have been away, I've done nothing but fish every day since they've been gone (well, I did cut the lawn on Thursday night!). Here's a picture of Friday afternoon's catch after leaving work early (I know, small - but its a fish!):


On Saturday I was flyfishing the upper Potomac. Got a bunch of sunnies and assorted smallies - most less than a foot long. No camera since I was wading. Today was good for the guys I was with. Took out one of my business partners and his son on the lower Potomac in the Spoils and below Blue Plains. My partner hooked a nice 2 pounder.


His son nailed a 5 plus pound LM in the same area about ten minutes later. Crap, I haven't gotten one that big yet!!


Me - I got a couple of channel cats. Here's hoping my luck is better with Bill and Scott tomorrow!

Jim - Take it from me and the rest of the people who know Toxic. You ain't missing anything. :lol: I just hope he doesn't wear his plaid skirt tomorrow. I can handle the rose in his teeth, but that plaid skirt reminds me of my sister in 1959 and that was not a pretty sight.:p:p:p:p:p
Thanks for the advice guys - I'll keep it in mind!

If he is wearing the skirt you can assume he the had the

Have Fun

Check your trailer too !!!! Best time to look it over and then when you launch the boat the next time you go out, work on her ! It will save you a roadside fixer up her !!!
Thanks for the Hos-po-tality Bill!! Had a great time and got to meet Jim C. besides. Sorry I didn't get to say farewell Jim. My offer still stands on the cold side after I get through this tournament. Water was awfully hot but we did catch a few and of course the wind had to kick up just for me!!:angry: I had more fun hot rodding the boat, she was on fire!! I hadn't driven her for a month so I was anxious to burn a little gas through her!! I had the old girl flying a couple of times off of wakes. I'd let her chine till she was about ready to hook, then I'd pull her out and ler her eat. Saw something that did bother me.....I saw a guy pulling his kid on a tube come under a bridge (fairly blind and narrow with 3 pilings) on full plane. It made the hair stand up on my neck!! So many bad things could have happened like the tube catching the wake and going into a piling not to mention meeting someone coming through the bridge. I came off plane earlier in the day coming through this same bridge and when I turned to go through. 3 girls on a waverunner came flying right through where I would have gone. I made a mental note of that bridge!! Mini will remember the bridge, it's where the Shimano crew caught most all of their fish.

Anyway, we all had a great time thanks to Bill and now I know where NOT to take Sue D. this friday!!:lol:
