If we're not producing "goods"...then we're only producing "services",..and that's where this country is headed,......and even the "services" are being outsourced...ever call a help line for anything?? Chances are you'll be speaking to a foreigner.
It's all about PROFIT and PRICE in this country,......and deffinitely DON'T blame the chinese....they're only taking what we GIVE them....and with the BILLIONS of people they have in their labor force,..they don't have to pay them squat, because they have no healthcare, no unions, no benefits and virtually no power to demand anything. If a worker doesn't like his/her environment or terms...there's 1 billion other people there that will gladly accept those terms.
All we care about here is "how much is this going to cost ME?!" VERY few Americans give a 2nd thought to what their purchase means to "other Amercians" in the long term. We are a very self centered, all about ME society.,...and now, we are seeing what happens to an economy when that kind of thought process goes into a purchase.
The fact that China OWNS most of the US debt,..not to mention our property is downright scary...blame the big business and our own gov't for selling us down the river in that boat....but if China ever made us "pay up NOW or we repo our assets"....we will be the "United States of China". It's not their fault.......we did it to ourselves in the name of profit, greed and low prices..........and a few billion in "stimulus" bandaids!!
Very well said Mac. Most of what you posted was what I was trying to convey. I fully agree with "Don't blame the Chinese" (except the ones that copy our products and do unscrupulous things like Downstream pointed out). We may not like it, but boycotting Chinese products is not going to fix it.
Unfortunately, we already have moved to a much more service-based vice product-based country. We still produce physical goods, but we also have jumped into the "services" business quite a bit. Our "comparative advantage" is no longer just one of product for product. It's also one of product for services. One of the examples given in my "Made in China" lesson was that of a kids toy. The figures provided stated that out of the $15 retail cost of one of those toys, $12 can be accounted for by something other than manufacturing. The dolls were made overseas, but the other money may have remained here, paying US citizens to do a job related to the toy sales. Not only design and advertising, but also distribution of the product. China gets a $3 cut per toy for the manufacturing in that example. So if you boycott that "Made in China" toy, who are you really hurting? Only 1/5 of the money is related to the overseas manufacturer. The other 4/5 of the lost sale affects Americans as well. Food for thought.
Even large quantity shipping and packaging can be outsourced. I recently picked up a box of blank CD's. The product was noted as "Made in China. Packaged in Japan".
Please also realize that some companies are in-sourcing to the US, just the same as we outsource. Pharmaceutical companies, computer companies, and even some foreign auto manufacturers are now in-sourcing parts and other items to the US. Yes, I know about the tariff injustice compared to American auto's. Who is to blame for that? The foreign manufacturer, or our own government who failed to negotiate or levy the tariffs correctly? Those companies also employ US citizens, even if a large portion of the profits are owned by another country.
I don't understand how to decipher the accounting documents for US debt, but it's available through the Treasury Bulletin. The last figure I have was a December 2008 pie chart. For ownership of Government Debt, this is what it showed:
Foreign individuals and firms - 29%
US individuals and firms - 26%
Other US government trust funds - 19%
Social Security trust fund - 21%
Federal Reserve - 5%
So... most of our government debt is owned by... the US government.
The China college video about them owning us is a wake up, but it's not nearly as bad as some made it out to be. But if we aren't turning it around NOW... it very well could be.
All the best,