dealer dragging feet

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Chris Hines

Dec 22, 2003
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Hey guys I need some advice. I purchased my 911 Nov of 2002. The first four months my dealer had it trying to get gelcoat issues worked out. In a year and 2 months I have only had the boat in my possesion for 6 months. I am now having issues that were suppose to been taken care of when it was still under warranty, but TM said they have no records of the problems and my dealer said he sent the pictures and paper work in months ago. TM is putting me off on the dealer and the dealer is putting me of on TM. I am not for sure on how I should going about getting these prblems resolved when they keep putting me off. Has anyone else had this much trouble ith warranty work or is it just me. Thanks Guys and Gals
Nothing like a friendly letter from your lawyer to get the job done. Most likely you'll find there is a breakdown in communication somewhere, obviously. Elevate the issue and watch them figure it out.
Sounds like another DEALER issue. Here we go IS a shame...;(

Uh Oh! I see your from ain't the Cinci dealer is it?

You know I see alot of probs posted about Tracker Dealers but have to say I think this goes alot farther than just Tracker. Friend of mine went to Lund dealer for Maintenance on his boat and dealer puts on bill $45 dollars for shop supplies. When asked what charges are for dealer replies "rags and such". Also maintenance work that was done was shabby and some probs still exist. I am beginning to believe this is all about just owning a boat.
The Dealer is dragging his feet. I'm sure he has all the "Data". Just send it again and get a confirmation that they received and when will they respond. It's the Dealer!!!. All these problems that have been posted should be handled by the Dealer.
I have said it more times than I can remember... Tracker can, and does, build a very good product. It seems as though quality control issues get away from them from time to time... But, where they fail to get a handle on their "business" is at the Customer Service level. One conference call between the dealer, Tracker and this owner would end the finger pointing. If Tracker has a reputation to maintain (or I think build) it does not take a rocket scientist to see that effective communication is the answer to most of these issues. However, time and time again when we hear these stories it seems as if Tracker goes out of its way to make things difficult. Tracker should take the ball and carry it as least as far as this... when the stories don't "jive"... get to the bottom and don't let the customer hang out there.
My experince with customer service (or the lack of it) is that they have a Legal,Bean counting mentality that lacks a conscience for the cosmumer.This is topped off with the lack of communication.It all falls just alittle short of making hiring a Lawyer(or what I considder a bottom feeder) pay off.(Bottom feeders are'nt cheap,you know.)Their recipe for custmer service is enought to knock the last screw out of a loose nut that causes a bottom feeding frenzy that we all may hear about on the news someday.So if you have deal with the factory make sure all your screws are tight first.Sometimes it's just better to reach into your pocket and pay your own way than to put up with aggravation.

Oh ya ,I do considder myself tightly screwed,maybe more than one way too.Just my 2cents!


Just pay for it yourself?????????

That's exactly the problem in a nutshell. I think the word is APATHY (I may be wrong)? Manufacturers can continue to manufacture poor quality due to exactly that kind of attitude (and a lot of "us" consumers do just what you're suggesting). If the manufacturers' of this world had to fix or replace their poor quality 100% of the time they'd be out of business in a hurry or figure out a way to make it right the first time!

Wouldn't that be something, producing it right the first time? What a concept, har!

Too easy to just make it and sell it and only have to deal with a small portion of the disgruntled consumers, the rest just let it slide cause it's too much trouble to make them make it right or make THEM pay to make it right!

Sorry, not trying to make this a personal attack but every now and then a suggestion is made that seems like a justifiable solution but in reality it is just perpetuating the problem...and uderstanding that it is just a suggestion and can be totally ignored.

I say if you feel like you've been screwed then do something about it, NOW! Why settle for something that's not what you worked hard part or all of your life for! Especially if it just adds to the problem....


We all know that Tracker customer (try to get service) sucks, so why did you buy their product? For me it was too late when I found out that customer service is full of hot hot air and almost does not exist and depending on your local service center, you might not find good service. Most folks will regret dealing with this company. PASS IT ON !! If you buy one of these inexpensive boats you will get a cheaply made boat. Good looking but cheap.

Remember my new boat spent right at 200 days in the shop in the first yr. and is still not right, and all out of warranty now.

Also let me tell you that the PRO PLUS EXTENDED WARRANTY don't cover much, they told me almost bumper to bumper LOL yeah right.

Tighten some screws.I hear what your saying.But,if you knock on the door and no ones willing to answer what do you do? Hire a bottom feeder for $1000.00's to fix a $100.00 problem.I'm very sure Companies like these know legally where they stand and how far they can push the limits. Tell me how would you MAKE THEM PAY.??

I've said this before it's a case of the "Golden Rule" The guy with the gold ,rules and we have the best court systems money can buy.

I would disagree on one point... While my experience may be somewhat skewed... In Illinois, at least in Northern Illinois, an individual can, with a little effort and some research, pursue a claim on their own in small claims court... Juast leaern some simple rules... written estimates aren't admissible as evidence but a "person" who is an expert (mechanic, another dealer, etc.) can give an "expert opinion" of what repairs cost... hearsay is ... etc. And be ready to be polite... You would be amazed at what a "jury of your peers" will do for you if you prove your case...
Hey guys I sure didn't know so many people had this problem with TM. I love the stability and fishibility of my boat but, I just wish it was in my posion a little more. It looks like with a big name boat they would want to get their customer satisified after the sae also. A lot of my buddies who are looking to buy boats have ruled out Nitro just for the simple fact of customer service. I fish 3 clubs plus, BFL, a local Tue. night and a local Fri night. But now with all these reoccuring problems I am not sure if I will fish them or just buy me a back up boat. That is pretty sad too. People say you get what you pay for... Well a 911 with all options, 225 opti ect... is in the price range of the other boats in its leauge. I do know right now I have a $38,000 paper weight. Thank you all for the help. If anybody want to come to Ky and fish just let me know. I am only 1 1/2hrs from dale hollow(smallies) and Cumberland(stripers), 3 hrs from KY and Bark(smallies, lg,Ky's, crappie), 30 min to Nolin and Green, And 45 min from Barren.Thanks again for all the imput.
Greg's got some of the answer.

Ususually a simple letter of intent to sue will get a lot accomplished in a hurry, it has worked for me. But because so many of us just give up and pay for it ourselves it takes more than a simple "I'm not satisfied" from you to get any satisfaction anymore!!!! Hey, we created the monster...

In order to change the system there has to be revolution, and revolution may be simply EVERYBODY standing up for your rights as a consumer! There are protections provided in the laws for these things and because most of the manufacturing industry knows we are too lazy to use them, they continue to rip us all off...And we are our own worst enemy!

I think my screws are just fine!

Hey, just my .02

Sad but true. Maybe time in your new rig will change your mind and the product will outshine the problem. It will change, Tracker did not get to be the #1 volume boat retailer by putting out a bad product or having bad customer service. But....There is always room for improvement. The unfortunate truth is that for every potential sale you think you turn away from them, there is 1000 that do buy. If it makes you feel good then at least there is a positive. It is no different with lawnmowers, snowblowers, pickups, cars, jet ski's, snowmobiles or any other toy that we have. Everybody has their favorite and everybody has their share of problems. All you hope for is that you don't get a bad apple and if you do, it get's taken care of.

Good Luck


Not meant to be a personal attack, like I said earlier. I've been hanging out here for years and don't post all that often....

Yeah, some things just srtike me that way and most times I let it go, but on this site there's always a post or two about Tracker (or other) customer service and unfortunately you're right about not letting it get you aggrevated. But these people are in that situation because we all have contributed to it over the years...and also, unfortunately, there's no simple solution to those situations. What has taken years to create won't get changed easily, probably never! Doesn't mean we have to give up trying though, ha!

If this was your first post, sorry to have to treat it and you so rudely...instead, welcome aboard and "most of the time" it's pretty fun in here.

Hey Toxic,

Just a little fuel for thought.When is the last time you heard of anybody taken a, lets say an S-10 pick up to the dealer for warranty work and ending up with a station wagon, cause they do'nt make the S-10 pick up any more.O ya that little 4 clyinder motor was good in your S-10 .So its your responsiblily to get it in to that bran new wagon.I can't see this happening with any other toys I have,can you really? Also

why do you think they stopped making the boat I bought??

Getting to #1 BY volume means mass proudction and along with that comes Quailty control and the means to take care of it.If you lack in the last two areas .Consumer beware!!

I am a Production Supervisor.I think I saw some where you are sponsored by the B.P.S ??

Good Luck, Tim
I'm not disagreeing with you. It's no different than the mechanic I took my 68 Dodge Charger with a 440 magnum in it. About every 3 months it would munch a tranny. Took it to a lot of dealers and they all said it was my lead foot. Had it replaced a couple of times until finally I was so mad (because I knew I babied that car) I was going to sell it. Mopar collector slid underneath it and asked why it had the wrong transmission in it. Problem solved. And if I truly thought Tracker put out a bad product, I wouldn't buy it plain and simple. My sponsorship through BPS has nothing to do with Tracker. BPS sells sporting goods, Tracker sells boats. Tracker leases space in the BPS connection. And for the umteenth bazillionth time, your dealer can make a lot of the problems go away.

Let's not forget, you coulda walked from the deal. You could have negotiated a new deal. You didn't. We have covered where a lot of your specific problem could have come from the dealer but you don't want to listen to that. As for the S-10 analogy, it's more like the enginge out of your S-10 going into a 1/2 ton and your driveshaft is a little short. Not that much of a difference in the engine. Don't get me wrong, I wish you were happy. We all have our problems. Mine happens to be a partner that stuck me an extra $5,000 on my boat. I could have a brand new 929 in my driveway right now if it weren't for that. At least I am happy with the boat. If NITRO didn't make me sell it I wouldn't......but that's a deal I engineered so I don't waste my and your time complaining about it.

Forgive me for being a pimple on the ass of success here. For a deal I did NOT engineer and could Not walk away from Because I found NO ONE to negoiate with .The same Problem Chrisnky is having right now. I will waste my time complaining about it untill this pimple turns into the biggest ass sore success has ever had. Because WE as Comsumers DESERVE one hell of alot more than to have a $38,000 Paper weight. If anyone feels this kinda problem does not exist and is a is a waste of their time to listen to. Than WE are Talking to the wrong people.Cause all they are doing is pass the buck the same way the factory and the dealer are. Chrisnky It's mostly the dealer here.Oh here We go again another bad dealer!Fact is Dealers do't make boats and when all that jingle reaches the top,the big guy can take it from one pocket and put it into the other one.That how you grow healthy ,wealthy compaines with bean counting mentalites.

You can be a pimple all you want. Just realize that you came to a site for Tracker/NITRO owners that for the most part like their boats. Since the site is not run by Tracker/NITRO you won't accomplish much other than to make yourself look and sound like a pimple. Have at it.

I can't keep quiet any longer.....

In the 4 years I have been associated with this site and 8 years since I bought my first Nitro, I have heard story after story after story about poor response to the Customer by Tracker Marine.

I do agree that the first responsibility lies with the Dealer; the Owner is his Customer not Tracker's.

I have also heard many stories which involve a conscientious Dealer making repeated attempts to get issues resolved and running into a brick wall with Tracker.

I also feel that, when it is the Dealer who is at fault, the ultimate responsibility falls upon Tracker to see to it that the Owner is properly taken care of. Tracker seems to be lacking in a truly effective means of communication where warranty issues are concerned.

Let me also point out that I have owned 2 Nitro's and have been absolutely satified with both. However, knowing what I know now, if I were in the position to purchase a new boat at this time, it would not likely be a Tracker Marine product. In spite of my past satisfaction, I am concerned about playing Russian Roulette.....

Get real, corporate responsibility is an after thought for big companys. Anybody who thinks GM, FORD, Chevy, Dodge, NITRO, Ranger, Skeeter, John Deere, etc., are your pal and buddy and will take care of you, you are sadly mistaken. Trackers responsibility to their dealers are spelled out in contracts, just like the one you sign when you buy your boat and the one that has WARRANTY written on the top. If you can't pin them with their own contract forget it. You might get furthur if you can negotiate without being a raving maniac and/or your dealer helps you out, but to sit back and think they have a responsibility to you as a customer beyond what they warrant in the sales contract and warranty is nieve. NITRO/Tracker would be out of business if 1. They made an inferior product and 2. They did not live up to their warranty claims. That is a fact. Do they look like they are hurting for $$? I don't think so. The simple fact that problem people have more anger and bigger mouths than happy customers is why you see more complaints. I don't doubt that. Bottom line if people were flocking away from Tracker/NITRO they wouldn't last long. Wanna wait and see how long they last? They'll be selling boats to my great-granchildren.... no doubt.

"Corporate responsibility is an after thought". It should be a primary concern.

"Trackers responsibility to their dealers are spelled out in contracts". I absolutely agree.

"If you can't pin them with their own contract forget it". Again, I absolutely agree. In the issues I refer to, Tracker has denied responsibility and, in many cases, shifted it to others without proof they had anything to do with it. Take for instance, the one member who's aluminum boat had a hook in the hull at the transom; Tracker blamed the Owner. It could just as easily been damaged during loading at their facilities.

"You might get furthur if you can negotiate without being a raving maniac". Again, I absolutely agree. It is also the responsibility of both Tracker and their Dealers to realize that they are dealing with people; and people can sometimes be raving maniacs - and still be in the right. The responsible company will listen to the Customer and respond accordingly without prejudice.

"(To) think they have a responsibility to you as a customer beyond what they warrant in the sales contract and warranty is nieve". I absolutely agree. But the companies who are most appreciated are those who do go the extra step.

"Do they look like they are hurting for $$?" Absolutely not.

"The simple fact that problem people have more anger and bigger mouths than happy customers is why you see more complaints". I again agree. I also feel that many people who go overboard in spreading their ill feelings are often themselves responsible for their problems. I have also seen just as many who have legitimate complaints.

"They'll be selling boats to my great-granchildren". Not mine! I'd have to have children first - which I don't! LOL!! I do think - and hope - that Tracker will be around for many years to come.

When I used to play with sports cars back in the 70's and early 80's, I loved British Leyland products - in spite of their many faults and imperfections. I owned a number of MG's, Triumphs and even one of the original Mini Coopers. I also recognized those faults and imperfections and delt with them accordingly.....

In spite of our obvious loyalties to Tracker, I feel that we must also be aware of their failings.

I can agree with your response. You see, that's the difference, through a little discussion you and I find out that we are really not disagreeing all that much at all. Even Charlie agreed and that my friends IS a miracle!!LOL I'm afraid that corporate responsibility went by the wayside long ago. Look at the way firms lay-off and fire people, even the government. The bottom line rules and that is why we have ENRON and others like it. Small business pays much better attention to it because it can be the difference to them, large corporations know that damage control for this type of thing isn't necessary (not that they won't give it lip service) because they have an endless supply of consumers and the weight then falls on marketing to bring in fresh blood (or suckers as you will). Can you tell that I was a marketing major and have owned my own business'? It is a sad statement but I do feel that if you are in that "Grey Area" of a warranty (which I will admit is a pretty large area), then your dealer can make the difference. So, it takes a lot of things to fall in place to make a major problem go away....good warranty, good retail representation, good manufacturer response system and most important a good consumer who knows how to diplomaticly move up the chain. Skip ANY of these steps and your probability of success goes way down.

"Corporate responsibility went by the wayside long ago".

"They have an endless supply of consumers and the weight then falls on marketing to bring in fresh blood (or suckers as you will)".

"Good warranty, good retail representation, good manufacturer response system ..... Skip ANY of these steps and your probability of success goes way down".

You're right, TOX..... You and I do agree!

(Except that I left out the part of the Consumer in the last quote. I feel the manufacturer and retailer have the responsibility to the consumer - after the consumer finishes his/her responsibility of paying for the merchandise and assuming they use the merchandise in a responsible manner.)

Now..... Tracker Marine..... I know that you've worked long and hard to earn your place at the bottom of the list when it comes to consumer confidence..... You didn't get there without perserverence..... You deserve what you've worked so hard to get!

For the sake of us who are your loyal supporters, how about taking a close look at your methods of communication.....

Please..... Give us a complete package that we can be proud of!
