Crazy Weather...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Makes me worried...we'll probably have snow in May or June:wacko:

We've had record rains here in Ohio...wonder how much we'll get this spring? Last year one of local lakes was 19 feet above normal pool and ruined the fishing til' late May. It also flooded the crapper houses so the lake was full of e-coli all summer.

Grand Lake St. Mary has been plagued by the deadly green algae for the last two years and they don't know if the Alum treatments are even going to work. Seems alot of our local lakes are in trouble.:(
We had a good day on Chickaumauga yeaterday. Threw out all of the "conventional wisdom" of winter patterns and went with what worked. i landed a 5.5lb largemouth and two other keepers, and my buddy got 6 or 7 good ones. We fished shallow coves' flats with a rattle-trap
I'm all about this Global Warming! Thanks Al Gore for the internet and Global Warming. We might be fishing early this year in MN/ND. Hoping not to jinx anything but we have very little snow and it was about 35 here today. :wacko:
I agree It has been different..Pretty warm this year GREAT.The Superbowl fans are lucky this time In Indy.... I hate cold weather, bones hurt...Still I can remember fishing the first of June In a winter coat with snow flying...Hope for a nice early spring..The Groundhog will let us know today...HA...JR
Oh least we're not butthole deep in snow:lol:

Taking the day off Friday and headed to BPS in Cinci which I have not been to in a few years. I'll give em' another chance and see if they have what I want. Looking to get get at least one more good rod&reel outfit (like I really need it:p) and few sale items.

Tox will be proud that I'm getting a few McSticks this year and gonna rock em' out at Dale this spring when they get negative. Put THAT in their face!:lol:

Anybody have and used the Shimano Caenan baitcast reel? I'm a big Shimano fan and just looking for a back up for not a lot of dough.

Also online it shows it left hand but, the catalog does not. I thought that any of the Shimano's with an 01 suffix after the model # was lefty.
I fished in short sleeves last Friday here in VA and it was even warmer the last two days. Looking at the 7 day forecast winter is still no where in site.

And let's keep it that way!! I am just afraid that this may drag winter into spring or we will have a late blizzard and I am not talking the DQ kind!!:lol: Michigan needs to work with us this year so that St Clair is all primed up for the MVM!!

For the first time EVER.....I drove my bike to work this morning. FEB 2, 2012! About 38 degrees, supposed to get to about 40-45. Warm enough!!!! Lots of talk about getting boats out of storage soon, but no one has pulled the trigger yet. I really feel like we're gonna pay sooner or later. :unsure:
Mine's ALWAYS ready to go Bob cuz she sleeps in my warm cave:lol::cool:

Won't be long but, won't be soon enough;)

Miami Valley Moobs?
We've had little to no 'winter' here in the DFW area this year. Like Greg, worried about what this will do to the bugs. This week, I've been coming to work in shirt sleeves most days. It's been in the high 60's and low 70's most all week. 50's - 60's at night.

Gregs right... Please send some colder weather for Alabama... Bugs are already out...Could be real rough this year.

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