Check Out Everything Before You Rally!

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Al Greco

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2001
Reaction score
For everybody making the trip, check everything before you leave. I was putting some air in the tires and noticed a lot of cracking in the rubber. Just put on two new tires, thank God Northern was open. Don't forget to check the fluids in your tow vechicle too. 7 hours to departure time!!!!!!
I checked the air in my tires last week.

REMEMBER to check the air pressure in your spare!!

I usually forget about that one for a year or two.

Long distance hauling check list (before I leave for a tourney)


Check oil, antifreeze, power steering fluid, brake fluid, tranny fluid, and top off any that need it.

Top off windshield wiper fluid.

Check tire pressure, including spare.

Check all lights to make sure they're working.


Jumper cables

cell phone


quart of oil

gallon of premixed antifreeze

tool kit

brake fluid

power steering fluid

can of fix a flat

gallon of distilled water

hydraulic 2.5 ton jack

tire iron (4 way, so it works on truck AND trailer)

100' of hvy nylon rope

Tow strap

spare clothes(Usually already packed anyway)

and enough CD's to last through "dead" zones on the radio for the trip.


Change plugs, and bring spare set or sets.

Check tire pressure.

Check lower unit lube and top off as needed.

Check battery fluid level, top off, and charge.

Top off 2 cycle oil and bring 2 spare gallons.

Check brake fluid on trailer and top off.

Check all lights to be sure they work.

1st aid kit.

Have all registration and insurance cards for boat and truck in glove box with extra set of keys for boat. Extra set of keys for truck, in the boat!

Check all bolts and connections on hitch, trailer, wire harness, and tongue, etc.

My own pillow from home as I don't often like those at hotels. Too fluffy.

Top off gas tank on truck and add injector cleaner and head out!

Oh yeah! And I carry a mini grease gun with me too. You can get them at Wal-Mart.