Carpet Warranty..??

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
I have an '02 TV18, which I picked up new in '03....I would say that the glue which holds the carpet down has failed in approx 80% of the boat, the carpet is now literally held down by the screws which hold the deck to the frame of the boat. What part of the warranty does this fall under..? Am I still covered under my warranty..?

I have no idea why the glue has failed, I realize that Tracker is notorious for spot gluing the carpet, but this goes way beyond that. I've never stored the boat outside, this just starting occuring at the end of last season. The carpet on all the hatch covers are fine, but that's it. The main floor and front and rear decks are all completely loose, it's almost as if no glue at all was used, but I know that was not the case.
Mine is doing the same thing. I know I'll have to shell out several hundred bucks to get it replaced, but I'd rather have a private shop (who knows what they're doing) replace my carpet than to have Tracker do it the same old way all over again.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein.
on my '04, the carpet on the front deck has a pile seperation, the dealer already has a warranty claim authorization to replace the entire carpet when this season is over, at my convenience
Mine was doing it from day one on my 02'...You know I'll rip it all up and put some good sit down instead of that crappy carpet from the factory.:angry:

Must be Chinese carpet:lol: