carlos and toxic

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mike chip

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2002
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toxic, how did you do today. what time did you finally get out. Did you stay down lake all day.

carlos, did i see you sneak by sturgon creek this morning? if so how did you do? Where did you fish?

My clients were an hour and a half late so we missed the morning bite and as you well know, it slowed waaaaay down this afternoon. We put 3 in the boat. I went ahead and stayed out longer than normal. I was all over the lake and the Pamunkey.


did you see the picture of the stripper i caught in the book? she was 6 or 7 pounds. she slammed a clown colored jerkbait. And she was even better on the grill. And belive it or not i caught a 2 lb catfish on a jerkbait, as well as some nice bass. but the trip was exactly what i was hoping for, some fishing and searching was well as some fine tuning of some of my spots.I think i took 2 years off my learning curve yesterday.

Hey Mike,

I was in that area of the lake, went there and downlake mostly. What areas did you work?? Wish I had caught a few more fish or at least the friend in the baot with me had at least caught one!!!
we went expolering more than fishing. We started in the sturgeon creek area, then moved above the bridge working the main lake coves. then went exploring for a few hours, just looking and tring to figure out where they were, and doing advanced recon for postspawn and summer spots. If you want me to get more specific as for locations i can, but there sure are alot of eyes watching.

You all have STRIPPERS in your lakes?????? Hang on I'll get some dollar bills and be right over.

Mike... trolling for them when the water is cold is brutal!
i caught mine while in pursuit of the infamous large mouth bass. It was a bonus fish, but it sure was tasty. I chose not to eat the bonus catfish i caught later in the day. Im planning on going out again this weekend and again on monday or tuesday. To tighten up my pattern.

Fatrap, we have them in NJ as well as Wipers, come on over to the east coast for a trip this summer!!!. We fish for the Wipers at night time, it's like freshwater bluefishing.

Believe it or not I may be going East this summer. I told my wife that I'd never seen Niagra Falls and wouldn't mind seeing it sometime. She took that as we are going to N.Y. this summer and is planning on it. This flies in the face of my Sister's plans for us to see their lake home in Idaho. Don't know how it will work out. One thing for sure is no big cities. I hate population crush.

Well, If you pass by Warren county NJ, make sure you let me know, and it's fairly rural, there is probably more cows in my town than people, oh and the bears too :lol:

But, your passing up a lake home vacation for the Niagra Falls, don't forget your barrell :huh: