Budweiser Commercial

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham [URL]http://www.herosalut
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That truly was a very, very good 'commercial'. Anheuser Busch really knows how to get the message across, on many fronts.

That was a good commercial. This sort of thing should happen every day in every airport or bus terminal accross this great land of ours.
Yea Steve, it doesn't take much. Last week while waiting to get another x-ray, I noticed an Army Captain in the waiting room and he had jump wings on. So when I was leaving I said "Airborne" to him, he replied "All the Way" and I shook his hand and thanked him for his service. He seemed somewhat surprised but the huge smile on his face when he then thanked me told me it helped to make his day. Just a simple "thank you". That's all it takes.

Remember, it's a freakin beer commercial!!! Those aren't real soldiers, that's not a real Airport and the clapping was totally staged by actors. I resent a beer company relating patriotism to beer....and using sentiment like that to sell brew.

That being said, they all deserve more than applause.

It was not a beer commercial. At the end, Anheuser Busch simply put up a thank you, and their corporate logo.

Nothing wrong with that, at all - IMHO.

When I travel the airports (not much lately) I make it a point to talk to each and everyone of our armed forces I can and thank them for what they do. I make sure the kids do the same, and with police and firemen/woman we see in our daily routines.

Great sentiment!
If it wasn't a beer plug then they need not put AB at the end. "Thanks" would have been enough and they probably would have gotten more press of people trying to figure out who did it.

No matter what it was still staged.

Your right TOX, it was a beer commercial and it was staged. I'm not here to argue, but remember, they didn't have to produce and air it. Also, if you go to the link provided, you see that servicemen and their families can register to go to one of the AB theme parks free. They didn't have to do the either.
I agree they do some good things, I am in no way knocking that or them or our troops. But it was fiction and made up it wasn't a tribute (which I do think is the right thing to do). It was all an act.....they didn't have to do it but if you go around and read other boards and posts, you't think Adolphus Busch was shoulder to shoulder to them. Do you REALLY think they didn't have profit in mind when they did it? Do you really think they weren't trying to tug heartstrings? And now everybody gets all fuzzy and warm over Bud. It worked.

I just think it was a poor choice of subject matter....

I don't care, I still liked it. And if it gives the public in general the impetus to think about the soldiers, thank the soldiers, or give us old soldiers good feeligs, great!

TOXIC: Dang dude, you need to chill out a little. So AB spent 2.4 million to make a commercial that honors those serving. I didn't see Pepsi, Cadillac, Verizon or any others doing it.

What they did is no different than a self employeed person driving his "work" truck around with a sticker or tag sppreciating our military.

It was a nice commercial with a nice message. Big deal.
Don't get me wrong....I am not knocking what they did but for $87,000 a second don't you think that money would have been better spent putting a wing on a VA hospital or some other worthy cause other than a commercial? I liked it too until I sat and thought about it and I heard some troops interviewed on talk radio who said that it would never happen, and has never happened (some were on their 2nd tour and had been back and forth more than once including desert storm) so my take was that it suckered the general public. If you think that the other "big" companys like PEPSI, Cadiallic, Verison, etc., don't contribute, they do and they do it in a more honorable fashon like free video feeds to the states, supplies and other ways.

If it made you feel good so be it. It made me feel good also bud I'd like to think I wasn't so easily pacified. If it makes people think about our troops so much the better.

And for what it's worth, the most highly rated commerical during the Super Bowl was the one where the pilot jumps out of the plane for.......you you guessed it......a Budwieser.

Like Bill was saying, I ALWAYS take the time to show my respect and appreciation to those who are or have served. Both my Grandparents and father both served, so I very much appreciate the sacrifices. I did not serve (the new younger generation who takes everything for granted). I have though been a career firefighter for 12 years. I remember the feeling just after 9/11 when everyone was taking the time to thank us for risking our lives for them. This of course lasted for about 3 days as everyone goes back to taking everything for granted (human nature).

I think that the one thing this commercial may acomplish is make people think. Who knows, people may start to appreciate our soldiers more and express it.

I am a retired Police Officer... And, although not often, I did find myself inside a burning building a few times...

From those few experiences I will tell you what I believe... You guys are the bravest people on the face of this planet... Nothing, and I mean nothing, inluding a couple of years in infantry in Vietnam compares with a fire... You can kill a burglar or an enemy combatant... you have no choice but to fight a fire virtually hand to hand... and it is a desparate fight. Here's one person who has never, and will never, ever take the sacrifice and risks you take for granted...
Thanks Greg! I'm third generation FF and absolutely love it. My step father is a retired PO and I feel the same as you about your job. No way in He** would I walk in a house of a domestic or unknown and not know what was waiting on the other side!!

For what it matters...I appreciate what you did. You have my respect.

Also, for each and every one of you who have served in the military or police officers...Thanks!!