BPS Spring Classic Sale

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
Just returned home from the sale. I'm very proud of myself, I remained in control and really didn't purchase much. I didn't really need much either.

I did manage to get somewhat irritated, though it is partly my fault because I didn't read the sale flier as close as I should have. I was going to pick up some Merc Premium Plus oil at $14.99 a gallon, regularly $24.99, but that wasn't on sale today..Tuesday only. I would have noticed that had I read the flier a little closer. It bugs me when they have a lengthly sale, but only certain things are on sale on certain days. I'm not driving back and forth to get the deals, not only is it inconvenient, but I'd blow half my savings putting gas in my truck..! I realize why they do it (to get u coming back for more), I just wish they would shorten the sale and unload everything at once for the sale prices.

Hey Smitty,

Went to the Hampton BPS sale yesterday (3 hours and change round trip) and was more then a bit disapointed with the store staff.

I was prepared to spend some duckies on a reel or two and the entire time at the reel counter, did not have a single store emplyee offer to help or even acknowledge I was in existance. To this, I am very glad they had some of the Pro-Staff folks working the counter as they seemed to be doing the lions share of the work/help. I asked a store employee working the counter (after I had to call his name to make him acknowledge me) for a rebate form he informed me "they are looking for more". OK, I can buy that, he then ran off, not to return with an answer, form or a hey man, sorry for the delay...... So, me being the snoop and I kinda figured he was trying to push me off so he could do something else, I am happend to see a BIG pad of the forms laying on the reel counter and I had to again flag down someone to rip a form off of the BIG pad laying out in the open.

The reel store staff did not impress me what so ever. Now, this is very diffrent then the store staff I happened to run into when I was at the Fort Walton Beach store in Florida, as they were very helpful and I could not hardly get walk around without them asking if I needed anything.

I realize that the store was busy due to the spring fling, but if I was treated like that how many others were treated like that????? This makes to me more then clear that I will not go out of my way to go to Hampton for anything. I will use the catalog or another local store if at all possible.

rant over......

C - I went down Friday and got their around 1000 'cause there were two accidents on I64. I have NEVER been impressed with the Hampton store but I decided I would give it one more shot given that our beloved Toxic and Tritonglenn are out of that store. I too, was not impressed with the help, although a few young ladies who were stocking shelves asked if I was looking for something in particular.

I did buy some stuff that was on sale and managed to spend about $150 bucks. Wanted to buy a new fish finder for the front of the boat but couldn't find anyone in the electronics department who either knew what they were talking about or even had any interest is trying to sell me something.

I guess I should have gone to Baltimore as that store is at least 3 times bigger and the staff have always been helpful. I just didn't want to drive around the beltway and take an additional hour to get there. Maybe next time I will just drive to Harrisburg and go to Cabela's.

Hey Bill,

OK, I thought it was the hathcock luck in effect again......glad it was not just me! (I guess...)

Traffic yesterday was not bad, but the cost in gas (1/2 tank) added to the trip cost....plus the frustration.......not gonna make the trip again...

Also, as with you, one of the main reasons I went was to see Hammer and Glenn, at least they were there!!!!

Carlos / Bill,

I'm so very sorry that you both had problems within the store. If you ever need anything, please call me. I'd be happy to assist you in any way.

All the best,


I had the same thing happen to me at the Orlando FL store over Christmas. When I reported what happened at Council Bluffs, IA store my manager said there'd be a dept manager with a sore ass if it happened here. Catch a M.A.C flight to Strat Com Omaha and I'll fix u up. Maybe some of your old Marine Homies are hanging around there since they had to bring the Navy in to make it (the old SAC base)run right.


I can't say it happened this year, cuz I didn't go, but I've had the exact same problem at the reel counter in Auburn Hills. Several times actually on any given day. It was like pulling teeth to get them to quit yapping with eachother long enough to notice a customer was there. :wacko:
I just got in the door and have to read this:( Sorry to say that "retail" in the fishing business is plagued with high school kids who are remedial at best with the products and how they work. Even I had a funny thing happen. Glenn and I were talking about the new NITRO reels and he was explaining some things and we decided to just look at one. Of course there wasn't a single one on display and since Glenn was behind the counter he looked around and couldn't find one so he asked of of the "associates" he had no idea, neither did the next 2 that were asked, finally one guy found then on the storage shelf. This is the prime reason KD Sports and other small shops are still doing so well. I can't even imagine what Neeley would do if something even remotely like this happened in his store. I've heard him chew behind just because an employee didn't make a sale!! To BPS's credit, there is usually someone who knows their stuff but you got a small chance of getting that person. Heck, Glenn was there for Pfluger/Shakespear and I saw him selling all kinds of other's products.

Glenn, Hammer,

My Pro Staff comment was directed towards you guys and Glenn plus the others that were working the diffrent parts of the store and if you had NOT helped me out I would have dropped the basket and not come back. I just wanted the BPS folks to know that the pro staff is out there doing their job and the associates are not, kinda sad but then again, I am not retail, and not pro staff.

Glenn, Hammer, was not meant to be a jab at you guys..I saw you working your tail off with folks that were wandering the rows of products! In addition, all the other pro staff folks that were wandering the iasles and helping out folks.

Dang Hammer, I wanted to look at one of those Nitro reels, and I forgot...uugghhhhh nuts... and I also looked over the display too......nuts

HAHAH fatrap! Too funny man! I might have to work that angle! hang at the bps for a bit then head out for some beers!

I have to say the Nashville BPS is a good one. I agree also about the Destin store, I do some damage in both. I don't much understand why some are good, and some are not, but these 2 are A-1. You'd think the managers would know what was up and fix it. Really, it isn't that hard. I have no idea where Hampton is, but maybe there is a shortage of folks that hunt and fish around there. I know of 1 nice young guy (he fishes all the time) that left Bass Pro in Nashville because they had him folding T shirts all day and not working him where he should be.

There ain't no shortage of hunting and fishing folks around here. :p The problem is getting the right ones in there that want to work.

All the best,

I haven't been up to the Baltimore BPS as much as I would like for the past couple of years. BUT, I have never had a problem there with anything, and I mean anything! The reel counter has always been manned by knowledgeable, friendly and helpful people. I went there once just to see Toxic but ended up buying my first Johnny Morris combo. I don't remember what the price was but it was a LOT even on sale. While asking for advice at the counter one salesperson asked me to wait a minute and he found some older sales brochure on those combo's that were really cheap, well cheaper. He taped that upc from the older ad, taped it on the rod and reel and I was super pleased. I showed it to Toxic, if he remembers, and we both were amazed at the cost. What Tox didn't see though was when Nancy and I checked out the clerk asked for my military ID, I guess because I had my Viet Nam, 101 Airborne cap on, and before I could answer he took off another 10%. That brought the cost down to about $129.00 total when I believe that each item, rod and reel, were about $159.00 each..

I usually don't need help with lures or line but Nancy likes the clothing section and we are usually inundated with people who want to help and taking stuff back has never been a problem.

I really don't know how the Balto., BPS could be any more helpful than they are.

I agree with Berry in that some stores just have bad management and Glenn with getting the right ones that want to work.

Toxic don't you work in Baltimore anymore?

Uncle Billy

Since I went full pro staff with BPS, you have to be assigned to a store. I go to some of the other Bass Pros for sponsors but my main responsibility for BPS is the Hampton store. I may be traveling a lot more here real soon (details to come later) but for right now I concentrate on Hampton. I liked the Baltimore store and it is actually closer to me but there were some things that made it less than attractive. First and foremost, there was a pro staffer up there that guides on Anna....not a good mix because I do book some trips from my appearances. Teddy had a problem/conflict with the promotions director (who is now gone) and some other small things. With the new store in Richmond slated to open this fall, that puts a whole different spin on things.

Carlos and others,

PLEASE contact the store manager and be as detailed as you can about what happened. I dont know what they will do for you, but I am certain he/she will attemp to make corrections. If they do not know about it, they cant fix it!

I could tell you stories about some store employees.....most GREAT, some BAD! It is always the bad ones that get remembered and trust me BPS does not want anyone that travels far to have a bad experience. If you dont come back, they arent doing it right.

I have noticed that in some stores (which will remain nameless) the normal retail employees will slack off with all the additional help (pro-staff and reps) during a big event. Its not right, and the manager should be informed.

Had the same thing happen to me at the Springfield BPS a couple of years back. I think Mini hit it on the head about all the "extra help" and the regulars slacking. That in my opinion is what happened that day. The funyy thing is I ended up selling a guy on a Lowrance unit and I don't even work there or am I "sponsored" by them. The guy just happened to ask me what I thought and I told him. He even said that they sholud have people willing to at least look interested in what they were doing!!lol! I'm sure that some of them are also overwhelmed by the amount of people that the "Classic" brings in. By the way, I bought the reel anyway. I already knew I wanted it, I just wanted to look at it and make sure it fit my hands first. After twenty minutes of staring, I finally was asked if I needed some help. It was less than a pleasurable experience, but I love the reel.


Same complaints at the Mesa, Az. store. Was not impressed with the sale, bought nothing. Two months ago I was at the Las Vegas store, since I had a gift card, and was looking at the boats, the boats were dirty and compartment doors barely hanging on, poor fit and finish, plus no Z9 Bass boats. Very poor presentation of their boats. The salesman were standing around doing nothing and didn't want to be bother with questions. I guess it's hard to find good help these days.