Boy Was I Wrong ...Update

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Dewey Storie

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
I got a call from Mr. long today will let you all know how it turns out
That is very good news... But, do keep us posted.
THree of my current work sites are very poor reception areas...

So, when I am there I leave my phone in the truck...

But, I had/have 14 voice mails yet to return out of 19...

If one of those voice mails blows rasberries at you.....

It wasn't me! :)
Greg - 13 of thost 14 were from Staci!!! LOL
My 2003 PT185 sank! Tracker treated me very well throughout the entire nightmare! The dealer on the other hand, well, I wouldn't buy a bobber from him!!!!!!!!!! aint over yet Dewey...if and when you speak with Mr. Long, advise him that my phone number is still the same as it was last year, and that I'm still waiting with baited breath for his response to my problem, which he was "looking into.." Good luck buddy...
Great news but I'm skeptical. Let us know the outcome.

Da Bear
I'm still waiting for my call....but not from Mr Long. I think I will bug them today.
I actually got an email from Tracker today. They said they are evaluating and will get back with me today.
Teri - What happened with the trailer???