BobB.....another simple one for you...

  • Thread starter Bill McElroy [URL]
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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure I need a new fuel sender unit in my tank so the gauge reads more accurately. I installed a new fuel gauge last week and now it stays on FULL...infact it stays to the right of FULL all the time..LOL (The old one I replaced worked fine all last year, but sometime over the winter it crapped out, and this spring the needle was pointing straight down. It would never move at all,..even with the ignition switch turned I replaced the gauge. Now, when I switch the key moves over to FULL and stays there,..I've used 1/4 of my tank and it's still reading full.) Anyway,...I'm going to replace the sender unit in the tank and see if that's the fix!! Which unit do I need? (see attached link).....I'm guessing my tank is 18" tall?? I'll measure it tonite for sure,...but what's the difference between the 12"-24" sender and the 4"-27" senders?? And, do I adjust them?? Just slide the float up and down that arm??
I prefer the "Reed" senders as they are far more reliable, but if you have to replace it with another universal, use the type that has the "slotted bar" that the sender arm bolts to. More rugged. ;)
Mac....maybe you know already but that site you listed has the Reed senders made by Moeller, I guess that's what Bob was suggesting?? He might even be able to get one for you a little cheaper?? You just need to know what size you need...
Exactly,.....I need to measure the depth of my tank when I get home.......I like the style of those REED style sender floats too....they deffinitely look like they'd be more accurate.;)
OK....My tank is 10" tall....(Much shorter than I thought!!..LOL)..anyway, I get the 10" Reed style sender...or the 8"?....I'm thinking 8" so I still have a few gals left when it's reading E!! Correct?:wacko:
If you want to err on the side of safety, then yes. Normally you'd get the sender designed for the actual tank depth. ;)
OK....sounds good,....I'll see what I can find locally...if I can't get a 8-10" here, I'll be calling you!! ;)