bob b hard steering

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Chris Owenby

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
hey bob b i took my cable off and cleaned it with wd-40. while it was off it moved freely really nice. i then put the cable back on and same thing really tight. i have to pretty much move it with 2 hands. if i do just need the cable will the teleflex hps rack and pinion work. it comes with the cable and and helm thats behind steering wheel.
If the cable moves freely in and out then it's more than likely ok. I will assume the motor turns freely {flops from side-to-side} as well. If this is the case, your tilt tube needs to be cleaned. T+H supply makes a wire brush that will clean the tilt tube quite nicely. There is probably a bit of build up inside. You can also try to use some aerosol "carb cleaner" and spray the heck out of the'll be amazed at the junk that comes out....usually solidified grease. ;)
Ok do i need to take both sides loose and spray the whole thing through. I tried to take it all the way out but it wouldnt come all the way out. The motor unhooked from cable turns really easy from side to side. When u say unhook do you mean the cable end and the nylon nut then turn the steering wheel. If it still is hard then is it the cable? Thanks bob i appreciate you
You might have to take the motor off :eek:, to get the cable out. The cable does have to be removed to be cleaned properly.
FYI- WD-40 is not a lubricant, it is a de-greaser. Clean the cables with it, free them up with it, but when that's over LUBRICATE it properly.
There is a "lifting eye" used for motor hoisting / lifting / removal / installation. It can be purchased at any Merc Dealer...
ken s.

wd-40 is a lubricant that the navy spent millions no billions of dollars devlopeing it was conracted out to find a "lubricant" that could withstand the conditions they operated under I.E.( salt air and marine conditions)

the formaula that won the bid was the 40th attempt at this water displaceing lubricant.

this is a fact.

google it.