Boat Hit

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Shaun Boggs

Dec 14, 2002
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My boat was just hit by an DNR officer he fell asleep at the wheel boat is crushed....and so am I. alstate insuance is gonna fight about a replacment boat.
Was the DNR Officer issued a ticket?? If so,...fighting your insurance co should be a no-brainer. The other dude was clearly at fault!! Contact a Lawyer AFTER you've exhausted all of your options and dealings with the Insurance Company on your own. Keep in mind though, soon as you hire one, can plan on $150-200/HOUR for their services....they aren't cheap!!
Sounds as if YOU are allright, which is the primary concern. Never fun to have your equipement damaged, especially as you have described.

Man, hit by the DNR. I bet he got a royal butt chewing (or one of many).

It will be the DNR's insurance company that does the paying - not yours.

There is also a possibility that they are self-insured - but not likely.

Shaun - Man that sucks. What were the particulars? did you see him comming? was it at night? keep us up to speed on the progress, we're all pulling for a quick settlement so you can get back on the water!

Why is Alstate fighting a replacement boat?

Hit by the DNR????? Man what kind of Numbskull falls asleep at the wheel of a BOAT? The wind wasn't enough to wake hisdeadarse up? Glad your allright...hope you sock it to em'!

Tex, your priorities aren't right! If HE was injured, the boat damage wouldn't hurt so bad, since he couldn't use it anyway. However, he's okay and boatless, never a good thing.

He was drivin' his car? Heck...that's even worse! I don't see why an insurance company would fight a replacement?

Unless you pay the extra for replacement insurance all they will pay is the current value. Unfortunatly the boat depreciates as soon as you drive it off the sales lot. A letter to the DNR requesting they pay the difference to avoid court may be an option.


I will be in Port Clinton the 8th to the 10th of August. Working at Camp Perry.

What a mess. Hope that Allstate wakes up and helps you out. That IS what insurance is supposed to be for...right ??? jeese. Glad that you are ok and that it is just the boat....

Shaun, glad to know you're OK........sorry to know you've got Alstate insurance.........I've got stories.

One dumb question........What is a DNR officer?

I figured it was something like that. In Okla they are ODWC or Okla Dept of Wildlife Conservation. I think everyone just calls them Lake Patrol.

Good luck. Filing claims with government agencies can be easier said than done.

In California, you only have 6 months (or 180 days) to file a claim against a Government Entity. You may want to at least look into getting a claim filed to protect your statute. The SOP here in CA is that you file a claim, then it's rejected and then the litigation process begins. But, at the VERY least, look into the statutory deadlines so you don't shoot yourself in the foot by letting your statute of limitations run.


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