Bildge question/opinion

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Kenny Guess

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
I recently bought a used 2008 Nitro Z6 and after spending a few days cleaning it to my liking, I took it out for a run. When I launched , I was checking all the switches and when I hit the bildge , it started pumping. Checking the area, we could hear water coming in so we picked up and pulled the 'black board' up to see where it was coming in from. Well, during the cleaning process, I somehow losened or knocked off the live well hose and water was coming in from there. My question is, if I had not noticed this situation and continued out for a run, this could have turned bad. My bildge pump is a 1000 gph, could it have kept me afloat to get me back to the launch before the worst could have happened? This situation probably will not happen again, but wouldn't adding a auto bildge switch be a good idea? Do you have an auto bildge in your boat and would you recommend one? Thanks, kenny

PS I added a few pictures of my new (used) Nitro in my library. So far, I am loving it...My 04 PT 175 served me well and will always say good things about that boat!
Yes, your boat would have floated even without the bilge running. With bilge running, I think you would have been okay as well. I will not tell you how I know these things. I do not know if your big motor would have kept running; I would assume so.
Just a note.....

Full Level Floatation is STANDARD on all boats now. but what exactly does that mean? It means EXACTLY what it says.....your boat will float level (or it should) when filled to the gunwales with water. The gunwales will be level with the waters surface. BUT the thing they dont tell you is that the specification is for calm water. If there is any chop or waves it will adversley effect the floatation of the boat if submersed.

I would recommend adding a supplemental bilge pump on its own circuit with its own switch hardwired to the battery. that way if your boat's harness fails for any reason you should still be able to use your supplemental bilge pump. That is as long as your batteries can operate if submerged....

i have an auto bildge and a manual switch, i also carry one of those bucket airators the kind with the pipe that brings water to the top of the bucket from the bottom and battery clamps.

with the spray cap removed and a peice of hose it doubles as an emergency bildge pump.

takes up very littel space and can save a tourny stringer if your live well pumps fail as well. i think it's a must have for any tourney guy. just my humble opinion.
I installed a float switch after I got my boat. I removed the ON-OFF manual bilge pump switch and replaced with a ON-OFF-ON switch. Connected one side to the bilge pump (manual mode) and connected the other side to the float switch , then to the bilge pump (auto mode).
Every boat I've owned has two bilge pumps installed - one on a float switch, and the other on a manual switch. I also make sure that they are the cartridge type pumps and that I have a spare cartridge in my tool kit. All have quick disconnect, so I can rapidly swap them out.

All the best,

hard to quickly access them on some nitro's so i bring the portable and deal with the perment ones on tera firma.

but haven't had to use the portable in a long time just good insurance.
I have an 896 and it does not have a pump out, so I purchased a bildge pump, some hose, several clamps and clips for the attaching the wire to the battery. This is my second bildge pump and also works, when I catch fish, to fill my weigh in bag.
I have both extra cartridges (500 & 750 GPH) and the Fish Saver Joe discussed. You can never have enough bilge pump capability when you fish big water.
