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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I have seen a few posts about it. Every once in a while I take a look over there. I have never posted there that i know of.... It seems unorganized to me. I can read the Message Titles here and there isn't a pop-up when i get on this site.

What is the big deal with them?

They are a pain the the rear end arnt they? I go to ebay and stuff I get pop ups and I come here and boom, nothing.

BJ, larger audience, more hits per day than any other fishing site (that counts hits with the same company), broader user base, etc.

There are two competitors that I know of, (for the bassboat side of things) and I just set up to compete with it head-to-head. Not so much competing just yet, but I'm working on it.

The search function only works on the title, so in my opinion, it's useless.

There's VERY little moderation and things get out of hand quite quickly -- which also causes it to get even more hits, so it'll probably always be #1.

The software is flaky, it's down quite often or one area works and another won't, etc.

Ads everywhere, pop-ups, spyware getting installed, even a virus not too long ago via the pop-ups.

I know there's a better solution and I hope I have created it.
Snowball's first step toward creating a better website.....

was to ban himself!

Every time I see Mike (a/k/a Snowman) post on here I feel like raggin' on him just because I'm sure he misses it.
I have to admit that although I don't post there some of the threads in the fishing tactics section are quite interesting. As you all know I'm a regular here and I try to do my best to answer any question that I think I can add some bit of information. On several occasions recently I have tried to open some topics here on NTOWS that I felt were worthy of more further discussion but they didn't get very many hits at all while at the same time off topic threads were recieving 30 or 40 replies. I'm not trying to ***** or complain about anything I hope you all know I love all you guys....and former guys. I'm just trying to say why BASH gets so much action. They take most of the questions seriously and give you a pretty detailed answer.......OR they call you a GD idiot and tell you to never post here again without paying $500. I also vist BassZone which is focused mostly on tournament news here in Okla. I rarely post there. Unless you're part of the regular tournament clique they hardly ever answer you. Too bad too because it would be a great place to gain more info on local lakes and fishing tactics for those lakes.

I like it right here at NTOWS even though Trep didn't list me in his list of friends, I always knew he hated me. ;>)) Snowman loves me though and that's all that matters.

That's it Harpo! I'm calling my father-in-law and send the Oolagah OK Football team over the rough you up!!! LOL

I agree on the BFHP, while they used to LOVE (and sometimes still do) to BASH Tracker/Nitro and OTHER brands, there are a HUGE audience of folks posting/looking that makes it sort of like a peep show! You HATE to look but sometimes MAN was it worth it!!! LOL
It's funny when they say,"I'm a boat expert and I say whatever you do don't buy one of them golldang Nitros....git a ProCraft that's a goooooood boat".
