Belly Full - Thanks to Berry

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I went crappie fishing with fellow forum member Berry Saturday morning. He invited me because his normal partner was unavailable (hmmmm, how can I accidently break this guys arm - lol!). He picked me up on my side of Old Hickory around 7am and we fished until about 12:30. The crappie aren't quite ready for spawn yet but we did manage to catch some keepers.

I really thought crappie fishing would be boring, bobber and a pole, but Berry approaches it somewhat like bass fishing. Hit a spot, throw a few things at it, if they aren't there - move on. I wasn't bored on bit, although I did spend alot of my time unraveling the mess I was making throwing light line on spinning reel. Lots of loops for me. I am quite sure he thought I was a disaster. :D

Any hoo, I took home 12 (only 2 were mine) nice size crappie and a really nice catfish. My friends have been asking me to bring them home to eat so I finally did. As long as I don't have to clean them (ew!) and they aren't bass, I don't mind keeping a few. We fried them up in beer batter and they were YUMMY!

Thanks so much to Berry for taking me. That guy knows how to fish. I had such a great time that I am considering skipping my Weekend Series tournament and going crappie fishing instead in 2 weeks.

Here's a few pics from the day.



Nice and yummy... Ever tasted walleye...super yummy!!!!
Greg, I have eaten walleye but never ones that I caught and cleaned.

Sea Bass is my favorite!
:) Thats how I crappie fish too....

You shoul dsee me in the lilly pads in the fall...I have to switch to braid!

Here are the two big ones from this weekend. We caught over 100 in 2 days over 7". Only kept em if they were 9" or better.....

I LOVE crappie fishing when they are biting good!!!



Nice crappie. I am going again on Friday. Just bought all the neat little stuff Berry showed me. They have to be 10" here to keep.
Nice crappie!! I'm jealous.

I'm stuck in NY working this week and won't be able to prep my boat till next week if I'm lucky. Looking forward to hammering some bass soon.
Me too! I love me some early spring slabs:cool:

You get a good 12" or better on a ultra-light = BIG FUN and GREAT FOOD;)
Mini, I see you finally got some sense and started fishing out of a Triton. :D
HA Teri, you have no idea how much seat time I have in a Triton!!!

But once the Ranger hits the water....look out! :)
Mini...when do you start whacking the Brownfish up there?

Sure would like to meet up sometime!

Sorry for the hijack Teri;)
The season for catch and immediate release opens the last Saturday in April. This year its the 24th.

So I figure about 7am on the 24th I will be whackin em!
10" minimum across the state (TX) except for certain lakes in the wintertime. On lake Fork during the winter, you are REQUIRED to keep all crappie caught regardless of length due to the problems they have had there pulling crappie from deep water. I think that it also is applied on several other lakes.

If you haven't tried 'shooting docks' for Crappie, you need to learn/do that. Right now, they are up in the shallows and of course they are always around docks. Need very small and very light jigs, and fire them up under the docks as far back as possible. Drag them back right next to any of the dock structure and WATCH THE LINE. Any movement other than the retrieve, and it is probably a slab.

Haven't been in quite a while, and I need to get the boat ready and head out. Same deal as you described - if they aren't under one dock, move to the next one.

Added benefit - there are some potent LM's that hang out in the same areas on the edge of the docks cleaning up on the gill's and smaller crappie that are found there. Not unusual to hook a 3-5 lb'er on a 6 lb line with a hair jig, while looking for Crappie.

Ya'll are lucky with the smaller size limits. On the few lakes I go crappie fishing around here it is a 12" minimum. I'm not a real good crappie fisherman, so it really sucks turning back 11 - 11 1/2" fish.
Going crappie fishing after work today. They should have moved up since it was warm all week. Can't wait!!!

It happened again :)

21 keepers (9"-12") in 2 hours off of two docks :)

I am sooooo determined to catch crappie again that I took this Friday off to go. :D I went last Friday and caught largemouth and sunfish all night. Only 1 crappie. Ugh! This time I am going to Old Hickory and fishing Berry's ****. :p
LOL...becareful you can fish them out!
I am not very busy at work this week, waiting on client to finish their part, so why not go fishing!!

Don't worry, Berry...I couldn't tell you where your 25 spots are. I only remember 2 and it seems there are no secrets on that lake. BUT, if you go Saturday morning (it's suppose to storm) and you don't catch any in those 2 spots...THEY ARE ALL IN MY COOLER!:D I have a Bass Weekend Series tournament on Center Hill Saturday so I won't be out.